How I Maintain Independence: Remain Empowered

Disclaimer: I am not telling anyone how they should be. (I think this can apply to guys, if they want it to).

How I Maintain Independence: Remain Empowered

1. Keep a healthy standard with my words and actions.

A) Follow through with promises I made with myself, helped me build trust within myself. Which, ultimately, helped me to learn how to trust others. Trust comes with consistency & follow-throughs.

B) Treat others how I would want to be treated. No expectations of how things should go, but I learned to know my boundaries and I only take action (to leave or speak up) when someone does cross a boundary of mine. I don't waste time worrying about what people aren't doing, I just move on fast.

How I Maintain Independence: Remain Empowered

2. Treat my mind and body like I'm a Goddess.

A) My self-care is a worshiping ritual, daily; Making time for myself.

> I listen to TedTalks or Motivational speeches while getting ready for the day.

> Hula hoop, yoga or dance naked in front of the mirror to start my day off making me smile.

> I make time to take myself on a walk or hike. No music. Sometimes I just dance in the woods.

> In between classes, I find time to sing my heart out in my car in the campus parking garage.

> I make sure to go to a cafe or to a park to get my school work load done- why let myself work in a boring place?

B) If I have control over how I think, I'm going to think positively. Why dwell on the things that don't serve me? I just want to have a good day! Everybody messes up, not everyone is on the same page and it's fine. It happens! and I simply have more important things to focus on than what everyone is doing or not doing.

How I Maintain Independence: Remain Empowered

3. Maintain a life outside of relationships (friendships / family / romantic partners).

A) Keep Hobbies.

> Creative expression is a must! I express myself through journaling, painting and GarageBand. lol

> Physical activity is a must! I go to the gym, go on a run, dance or hike/rock climb daily.

> Learning something is a must! I read a new book or I attend a new type of cooking class.

> Spiritual growth is a must! meditating is super fun and I love taking care of my plants that are all over my bedroom- I feel connected to mother nature. Or I sometimes attend church.

B) Keep Working.

> Job: Minimum work hours= part-time.

> Community Service: once a week or month.

C) Keep Exploring.

> I explore the neighborhoods, parks, train tracks, horse property, abandoned homes within a 10 mile radius. Mostly at night during the summers because I live in a desert. Usually this is also when I get my running in for the day- I'll only run up to 4 miles in a day.

> I check out new restaurants, underground local bands, or new people at the bar while playing pool and drinking waterrr.

How I Maintain Independence: Remain Empowered

4. Maintain femininity and softness.

A) I am, undeniably, a female but at work I tend to use more of my masculine energy. Once i'm off of work I make sure to bring myself out of work energy and into my feminine energy. ((Work = cleaning, job, school, community service). I need a balance, but most importantly I want to remain in-touch with my femininity. (In-touch with femininity = self-care rituals or just simply walking through a field of flowers thinking about how I feel... lol)

B) Hard times harden our hearts. If I allowed what every person did to get to me.... I wouldn't find emotional balance. In order to release and invite softness into my heart I choose to forgive and find the courage to be kind.... After I write a lot of imperfect things in my journal! We all need to find our healthy release. Crying is good.

How I Maintain Independence: Remain Empowered

5. Let your actions and energy speak more than your words.

A) Everyone talks themselves up, don't bother holding them accountable to what they say they do. I just listen and silently connect dots. They come when they are invited/they invite you, they are there if they want to be there. No need to waste time wondering where others stand. They are there and they are doing what they said they do... or they don't. If it's not a definite yes, it's a definite no.

B) I don't need to waste my own time dealing with immature behaviors, they can take their own time to figure out why I leave (or don't, but I already did it for myself so bye): I don't bother arguing, I don't bother proving myself, I don't bother explaining why I'm upset, I don't deal with complainers, I don't deal with rudeness, I don't deal with inappropriate comments.

C) I choose to focus on what I can do and what steps I can take next. I choose to engage with people who are ready to work together. I choose to find what and who works with me- not everyone can be everything for me. I have to go find who that is when I need them.

How I Maintain Independence: Remain Empowered
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