My life! (Story)



Between the ages of 13 and 16 I was cronicly depressed, I would shut myself in my room for hours only imerging for food and to shower, it got to the point I had to put on a youth program to snap me out of it, the turning point was when I entered a talent contest and came second.

Body Image

I am know as a Late Bloomer, I didn't start developing Breasts till I was 21 and didn't have a reconissible Cup till I was 23, So when I looked in the mirror I would see a different person, It didn't help I was shoehorned into playing football, when I broke my leg some reports said I paid the player to brake it. I recently had a relaps of negitive thoughts about my body hint why the username.

Anixety vs Shyness

Chances are Some of you have probably interacted with me and have asked to see what I look like. Over the past 7 years I have developed some shyness this is because of an Inccident that happen when I was 20, Despite struggling with Body Image I was very photo happy, My old My space/Bebo profiles was filled with pictures but Someone I thought I trusted posted a very Rude Comment and it made me rethink everything.


I have only been in two proper relationships but have dated many people and here's the difference, I only went on a date with them and left the following day, I have dated both Genders and never really questioned my sexuality till this year. As of right Now I aren't looking for a relstionship or any sexual relations.

My life! (Story)
My life! (Story)
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