Confessions of a Ladies Man: More followers despite controversy

Confessions of a Ladies Man: More followers despite controversy

I saw today that I reached a benchmark in followers. I want to thank each of you for your support.

Despite what people say about me on GAG, I have now reached 200 followers. I do not write my controversial posts for you. I do not care about popularity. But the dramatic rise of followers is validation to me that there is a silent and sizeable few who value my controversial post. Do you know what is most surprising? Most of my followers are WOMEN.

I have been called a misogynist, a woman hater, anti woman, etc. Yet the majority of my 200 followers are WOMEN. How could this be?

I personally am a feminist. But I do broach into controversial statements and blunt perspectives when it comes to dating.

I think the truth pisses off women but they respect it. The best way to explain it is if you call your lady out on her bullshit she will get angry with you and give you the bitch face and cold treatment. But the next day she will still like you and might even apologize to you. Why? Because women respect a strong and direct man. He isn't a guy to be pushed around. A woman respects a man like that even if he is controversial. It is his strength that attracts her. Being called out arouses her.

So I think in that light there are a lot of women who read my "Confessions of a Ladies Man" series and post snarky comments. But then they choose to follow me later on because deep down inside they enjoy reading my controversial stuff.

Confessions of a Ladies Man: More followers despite controversy
Confessions of a Ladies Man: More followers despite controversy
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