Why do tall women hate men shorter than them approaching them and at the same time feel sad for not being in a relationship like other girls?

I hear a lot of girls who claim to be really (6'0 and over) say that guys shorter than them don't give them a chance or men have an aversion to dating taller women and it's so difficult for them to get a date. However, from talking to many men in my life of average height, what I've found is that it's not that they have an aversion for dating taller women but that really tall women give them a look of disgust for even attempting to show romantic interest in them most of the time.
Why do tall women hate men shorter than them approaching them and at the same time feel sad for not being in a relationship like other girls?

So i'm trying to figure out if tall girls are holding out for 6'0+ guys and making themselves single voluntarily but at the same time want someone to be with it, why get pissed at a shorter male attempting to do give you said relationship?
Why do tall women hate men shorter than them approaching them and at the same time feel sad for not being in a relationship like other girls?
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