I'm not sure if she's purposely irritating me or she doesn't know it. Being around her is very overwhelming, but she keeps trying to get my attention. I'm just as introverted and shy as she is loud-mouthed and "wild." Whenever we see each other, she shouts my name and waves at me as if she wants everyone to notice us. Even if she's rough playing with her friends, the moment she notices me, she'll instantly run after me, tap my shoulder, and say "hello" for no reason. One time, she was in my class since she was in trouble at her original classroom. As soon as she saw me walking in, she stood up and repeated my name, and I just ignored her like I didn't hear. She only stopped after my teacher yelled at her to stop, and everyone just laughed at me. Or while leaving campus, she'll invite me her basketball games or the dance even though she knows I hate those things.

She asks me to wish her happy birthday or tells random stuff about her to me as if I care. She insists on helping me or playing with me although I always say no. She repeatedly touches my hand or face without my permission and calls me "cute" to my annoyance. At P. E., when we were playing outside, she kept following me. I asked her what she wanted, and she was like, "Boy... you! I hate you!" and stomped off! She ignored me the entire day, but the next day, she tried talking to me again! Why? What's her problem? She can be bad-tempered but then nice the next day. Around her friends, she acts all tough and cold, but she's all gentle and girly when we're alone. We're both 14 by the way.
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