Why all of a sudden I have a fishy odor down there?

I'm a very clean female and i like to keep my body clean. Last year I had a yeast infection for the first time and since then I been taking care of my body and especially down there even more. For a good while i wasn't having sex because my boyfriend and i weren't talking but just last weekend we were together and he came over to my house, I knew we were going have sex so I got all clean shave etc ( I had no type of smell down there )

We had sex a very rough sex intense I would say. While intercourse I didn't smell anything. I noticed it a day after I took a shower and thought is probably because I didn't shower that same day but no I been having this fishy smell for day now. I haven't tried to clean my Vag inside because I don't want no bacteria to go in there but why did I get that fishy smell all of a sudden when i started to have sex with my boyfriend if this never happend. What should i do?
+1 y
I'm on birthcontrol but this has never happen.
Why all of a sudden I have a fishy odor down there?
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