Friendly classmate added me on snapchat?

This girl has been friendly towards me in class and she gave me her number so we could do this one project together, she asked me to be her partner even though we've never talked before but maybe cause I sit in front of her. I notice she seemed to take the convo off school and extended it into some questions about myself. She seemed interested in talking to me even when we didn't have to communicate anymore.

So I'm not saying adding someone on snapchat is a sign, girls and guys add me and I don't think much of it. But she added me on snapchat with the excuse of her phone reset so she lost my phone number.. She has an iPhone and most likely has iCloud, but I'm not sure.

The thing that I realized is that you can only add someone on snapchat with either their phone number (she said she lost), my username (I never gave her), or snap code (which I don't have), I also know we don't have mutual friends, so it seems like a white lie. Basically why would she make an excuse to add me instead of just adding me. She then sent me answers to the homework and started talking to me about school and teachers past classes we took since she asked me questions Also I barely know her too, so I was surprised. Does she want me to ask her out you think?
Friendly classmate added me on snapchat?
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