I didn’t think this was common, I kinda thought it was gross at first because my sister is like this, I’ve learned not to look below my sisters neck, cause she’s never dressed properly.
anyway, I go to online school
(I’m a senior)
i found out that you can actually go to a public school, but go to a different section of the school that basically let’s you do you work there on your computer, the only difference is you have a teacher at your aid
anyway I went,
the class was very very small, only about 4-5 people
There was a girl dressed just like this,
they were just about popping out
they were all jiggly when she walked & I was just wondering why does this happen
(& how am I gonna concentrate 👀)
anyway the girl was called outside & told her outfit was too inappropriate & they gave her a big school shirt that covered everything up.
You could still see the print & the jiggle though, just not the cleavage.
Why does this happen & what does it mean
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