Why are girls not sexually attracted to guys' body?

I'm an artist and I'm practicing drawing bodies so I searched for manga/arts both made by male and female, usually hentai, smut or nude since I can't draw real humans. I noticed that lewd manga/arts made by female artist for female audience, when there's an erotic/lewd scene, they sexualize the girl usually making the girl nude, having nipples and erotic. While the guys are just handsome, having no nipples, bodies' always covered and pretty much less screen time. Guys always have no form of sexualization.

I know female body is much more pleasing to the eyes, but that doesn't mean guys aren't too, right, especially for girls. That's what bothers me for some reason, women doesn't draw guys to just somewhat sexualized but they draw women fully sexualize which leads me to think girls aren't sexually attracted to guys' bodies [not dicks] one bit cause they're sexually turned on by women, so the reason that girls only want men is because of what they have, what they can do for them or good personality.
It's weird if you think a man would sexualize a guy more than a woman and they're straight right?

Am I wrong or not?
Why are girls not sexually attracted to guys' body?
12 Opinion