Is social media giving girls an inflated sense of their attractiveness?

Every Single Time any of my girls posts a pic on Instagram or Facebook, you can guarantee that there will be at least 30 responses about how beautiful/gorgeous/hot/etc they are.

Conversely, no matter the girl, my daughter's will always make the same inane comment to other girls, regardless of how attractive she is.

I wonder, do girls receiving the compliments really believe these comments? If a girl is a solid 5, does she start to believe she is an 8 because she is constantly surrounded by other girls telling her how beautiful she is?

Is this affecting the sexual market place where 5's no longer believe they are 5's and won't settle for anything less than a 9?

Note:I copied this from Reddit but it sums up nicely the question I wanted to ask.

Is social media giving girls an inflated sense of their attractiveness?
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