Does it mean I’m unattractive if in bars/clubs I kiss girls, and then they give me their numbers without me asking, but ignore/block me the next day?

I’ve been going to bars/clubs recently and I end up either kissing the girl or she asks for my number. However, when I shoot them a text the next day, they don’t respond. Also, I often get compliments from the girls saying that they love my eyebrows.

—I want to know if I’m just unattractive?—

I’m really confused, since even if I’m personally drunk and I approach a girl, it’s not just a drunk moment. Sure I want to hookup, but I’m also interested (find them attractive) and am ok with hanging out later. Unfortunately I don’t even get the chance, despite the fact that THEY asked for my number and we kissed.
Does it mean I’m unattractive if in bars/clubs I kiss girls, and then they give me their numbers without me asking, but ignore/block me the next day?
3 Opinion