Woman said to “text her sometime”, but she ignored me?

I’ve been talking to this woman for a while now, we’re actually friends, but I do have some romantic interest in her. Now we had a decent text convo recently, and I took a while to get back to her (around 20 minutes), but then before I could say anything, she says she’s leaving and that it was good catching up, and she had to go take a bath. She told me to “text her sometime” and said good night. I texted back saying I would text her and that she can text me as well, and she said she would.

Fast forward 3 days, I text her basically saying “What’s up?” and she completely ignores me. Wtf? Why would she tell me to text her and then ignore me when I do? Even if she doesn’t have any romantic interest in me and sees as just a friend, the question still stands, why did she ignore me? Perhaps she’s playing some kind of game and wants me to try harder? Or she’s mad I’m not asking her out?

For a little backstory, I met her at work years ago and she gave me her number. I left the job a few months ago, and on my last day, she repeatedly told me to text her, and I did, but she kinda kept blowing me off, so I eventually just let it go. Now recently, I got back in contact with her and we did some catching up, and that’s when she told me to “text her sometime”. So yeah, any idea on what’s going on here? Greatly appreciated
Woman said to “text her sometime”, but she ignored me?
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