How do I be Friends with my crush (Highschool 14M) ?

Hi! I started to feel attraction towards my old classmate (she's still in my class for about 6 years) and I am not her friend or anywhere near that and I want to be her friend first then think about other stuff. I am in Highschool and my crush is like a little less then very good in studies and I am above - above average and she's a bit popular and I am not much. She has more attitude then many of my classmates and I never pointlessly talked to her fearing her attitude but she's nice if someone asks her notebook or her help in a sum or smth. We clearly don't have any mutual friend because I am not much popular in girls and My friends are with least popularity in class and they are average in studies.

Please people help me to at least befriend her. I am from India so suggestions from India would be more relevant but I will read all suggestions u people put ! Thank you!
How do I be Friends with my crush (Highschool 14M) ?
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