She has a personal vendetta against me and trying to ruin me?

I am really starting to think this girl hates me or is jealous of me for whatever reason. I’ve never done anything to her. I’m 20 and she’s a couple of years older than I am. We work together and it’s annoying because she’s my superior not my manager and they give her a lot of authority. There’s other managers who adore me. There was an issue we had a few months back where she got me in trouble for talking to my boyfriend while we were leaving work for the night. it seems like she finds small things. I know this girl has favorites. Another one of my coworkers who talks to me a lot told me she called my superior on the phone to ask why she dosen’t have a lot of hours and she said it was because they have to give everyone a chance. I think that’s bs because I constantly see the same people whenever I show up for work and they work almost every day. This girl makes the schedule sometimes and when she does she only gives me one or two days which I find completely unacceptable. My other manager gives me at least 3 days. I’ve talked to the other managers about her problem with me and they said they would talk to her. She knows I’m a college student and she’s even encouraged me ambition, she’s genuinely nice I just think she’s fake. I don’t know if she’s jealous of me because she dosen’t have the same opportunities or goals in life. Im also fairly pretty and I get lots of compliments about my looks in front of her so I don't know if the attention I get bothers her. The schedule came out and she only gave me one day for four hours next week which is crappy. Like I said I’m trying not to take this personal but I’m considering our history. It’s not fair to me because I know she’s probably giving hours to her favorites. My other manager is out of town so I can’t get more. Should I just suck it up?
She has a personal vendetta against me and trying to ruin me?
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