Why does every race of women, except for Asians, like to act like they're still the slaggy high school seniors?

I know im likely gonna get hate and get called an incel but I don't care because frankly about 1/3 of young skinny guys in this country are incels and its usually due to toxic Western women's taste in men, as they want guys on steroids that are twice the woman's age and has no impulse control, ignoring this or denying it is just being ignorant if you're from the usa or Canada.

I notice that every race or women that aren't Asian are mentally stuck being overgrown 16 year old high school girls, they say they primarily care a out a guys personality when they only care about looks and being on steroids and super tall and a violent ass. Non Asian women's taste in men is not only toxic for themselves but also unsustainable for men, being a violent guy puts you in the risk of getting incarcerated where you could get jumped and raped in prison and if you're a muscular guy on steroids it does damage to your body, even if you have muscles naturally from exercising it requires you to eat and drink so much food to have calories so when you work out you get jacked and it such a huge waste of food, supplements are synthetic.

Asian women have perhaps the least toxic and more sustainable taste in men, they typically like guys who are younger looking and slim with a clean and nice and motivated personality and this is evidenced by how well organized society in japan or China or Korea or Thailand or Vietnam are, you never see men in those cultures simping or stabbing each other for a woman like animals like you do everywhere else outside of Asia.
Why does every race of women, except for Asians, like to act like they're still the slaggy high school seniors?
5 Opinion