Girls, how bad do your farts smell from 0 to 6 (read the descriptions, they're funny, haha)?

0 (odorless: usually your farts have no smell at all)
1 (barely smelly: your farts usually can be barely smelt at all, but they do have a smell)
2 (mildly stinky: your farts usually have a noticeable smell, but it's easily bearable even for other people)
3 (moderately stinky: the smell of your farts is unpleasant, but it's not unbearable... it is possible to endure the smell of your farts if one tries)
4 (very stinky: your farts stink quite a lot, they're almost unbearable, it could be bearable if someone really tries their best to endure that smell, but it's going to be really difficult because your farts are really stinky)
5 (intensely stinky: your farts truly STINK, they're totally unbearable so even if someone tries their best to be able to endure the smell of your farts, they would fail since your farts are too stinky, and they would leave the area immediately)
6 (extremely stinky: your farts are so stinky they could be used as a weapon, you could heavily stink up an entire bedroom with just one of your farts, there's no way someone can endure the smell of your farts no matter how hard they try, even dogs would whimper and leave the room you farted in)
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Girls, how bad do your farts smell from 0 to 6 (read the descriptions, they're funny, haha)?
1 Opinion