Girls, how bad do your farts usually smell from 0 to 6 (read the descriptions, they're funny, lol)?


Let's see how bad girls farts can smell like ๐Ÿ˜†

0 (odorless: usually your farts have no smell at all)
1 (very mild stench: your farts usually can be barely smelt at all, but they do have a smell)
2 (mild stench: your farts usually have a noticeable smell, but it's perfectly bearable even for other people)
3 (moderate stench: the smell of your farts is unpleasant, but not unbearable)
4 (strong stench: the smell of your farts is very unpleasant, it could be bearable if someone really tries their best, but they're still really stinky)
5 (very strong stench: the smell of your farts is extremely unpleasant and rancid, it's totally unbearable so even if someone tries their best to be able to handle the smell, they wouldn't be able to endure it)
6 (extreme stench: your farts smell like hell, you could easily stink up an entire bedroom with one fart and make it a smelly torture for someone to be in that room)
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Girls, how bad do your farts usually smell from 0 to 6 (read the descriptions, they're funny, lol)?
5 Opinion