Hey Guys, do you think this girl likes me?


There's this absolutely beautiful and gorgeous girl in my class who has Ethiopian and Serbian parents. Her luscious curly hair, her ambitious and open attitude, inquisitive personality, her beautiful sparkling eyes that drift my heart away and drags me to hers. I have a huuuge crush on her, but I feel like I'm out of her league, note that she is smarter than me and also I'm shorter than her. I don't know if these are signs or not, but I'll list a few things that may have been signals. - She touched my shoulder once when she was talking to me about something - She was side eyeing me, and when I looked over in her area, she lowered her head under her computer so that I can't see her eyes - She randomly brought up in a class images of celebrities, and asked a few of her friends to compare them to people in our classes to figure out their crushes (Never Saw any of the images, just heard the verbal conversation.) - She tends to make attempts of interacting with me and others whom I'm talking to, like today she brought up how my friends shouldn't talk about x thing around me, because they were joking about x thing while us three were supposed to be doing our work. - She began to raise her voice a bit more (She used to not do this), and mimic how I would raise my voice every now and then. I will update this more when more happens, but I'm just curious if she likes me or not, and if I'm to late to ask her out. I'm planning to give her something when valentines comes up, so that's something for me to look forward to.

Hey Guys, do you think this girl likes me?
6 Opinion