Walking away from women and never looking back. Great for self respect but how often do women change their minds knowing you mean business?


I have gotten a lot better at cutting off women who I feel don’t respect me in the past few years.

No reason to get angry. No pleading. No complaining. No false hope. Once I determine she doesn’t respect my time, effort, position etc. I drop the ax and wish them best of luck and mean it. The strongest negotiating position in a sales meeting is the ability to walk away and mean it.

I do often feel sad but I do regain my self respect. However there is a part of me that often secretly hopes she will realize her mistake and come back and truly apologize. When that happens I can set my terms and she knows she has to abide by them because I’m not afraid to leave.

This worked for me a few times when I was younger. But in the past five years I’ve cut off probably 6-7 different women and never heard back from them. I liked all of them for various reasons but I am not going to tolerate their behavior ESPECIALLY if it’s friéndzone bs. I got radar for it.

But this can get depressing. I rather be lonely and have self respect. However considering none of these woman ever tried to reconcile makes me wonder if I’m doing something wrong.

Walking away from women and never looking back. Great for self respect but how often do women change their minds knowing you mean business?
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