Is there more to it, or time to take a hint and move on?


I matched with this girl on Tinder at the beginning of last month (Feb). We had been exchanging messages pretty regularly, seemed to clique and find commonalities, but had been unable to go out on a first date for one reason or another. The first time she had only one night available during the week due to work and was with her friends, or she had to work a lot, or I had been traveling out of country for already set plans with my friends. Finally, I went out on a Friday night early this month (March) to bars & clubs and we had tried to meet up but had just missed each other at a couple of venues. We exchanged hungover voice messages on Saturday and went out for a nice dinner and drinks on Sunday night. During conversation, she confessed she had broken up with boyfriend of 5 years in Nov but it was amicable.
We ended up making out but, not wanting to “hit it and quit it”, I kissed her goodnight and we resolved to meet again. She got hurt a few days later and was off her feet for a few weeks. I asked if she’d like to continue talking and still go out again and she said yes, she’d like that. We texted a few times while I was gone on a trip and still seemed to be pretty warm and friendly with each other throughout.
I asked to call her the night after I returned, to talk to her rather than just text, and she said yes. When I texted her the next night, she said she had had a bad day and asked me to postpone. Then I get a text 2 days later saying she had thought about it and decided that she didn’t want to go out on a 2nd date. She said there were plenty of reasons but the most important was that she wasn’t sure what she wanted right now.
This seemed like a switch from the warmth and geniality we seemed to have up until now. I guess I’m just not sure if there’s something to be done/said to turn the situation around, or just accept it and try to move on?

Is there more to it, or time to take a hint and move on?
5 Opinion