Girl I’m dating upset over change of plans. She was upset so I let her be with friends. Told me she wanted me to hang with her but she seemed upset?

After a change of plans that wasn’t my intention to begin with and reassured her, she told me she didn’t want to go. She was visibly upset which I found out later was a mixture between me apparently not saying hello to her right away, and giving attention to other people besides her in a group setting. Then later in the night she was cold towards me as I tried to get her attention a few times, and after realizing she didn’t want to talk, I was talking with others. Which apparently made her even more upset. I ended up leaving shortly after for a birthday that I did invite her to, and she said that was embarrassing that I left, even though I told all her friends in the group I had to go. Then complained I didn’t stay at her house that night when I said I would because I read the vibe that she didn’t want me there. She told me I read the vibe wrong, but when I went up to her 5 min before she said we could talk about her anger later and that I’d been hanging with her friends too much.

In our chat two days later, which she’d expected me to reach out earlier, I said I was giving her space… we talked for an hour about our perspectives which seemingly went nowhere cuz she was still upset that I had a cool guy persona which was ultimately just me being friendly and having with my friend while she’s clearly upset. She said she needs time.

Not long after I apologized over text for making her feel that way, and she did the same. I assured her I come to these event to be with her ultimately, and like she mentioned we should have hangouts solo before group settings if that’s what she wants.
She also mentioned her grandma just died so she’s go a mix of emotions right now. And the convo has been very dry aside from me trying to give her as much comfort as possible while not being too pushy. I just messaged her and await her responses at this point cuz I don't know what to do? Help!
Girl I’m dating upset over change of plans. She was upset so I let her be with friends. Told me she wanted me to hang with her but she seemed upset?
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