What are some reasons that she hasn't replied to my text since last night?

So I met this girl on a dating app yesterday and we exchanged contact information. We chatted a little bit back and forth through text, but I texted her one time and I still haven't heard back. I saw that she was online on the dating app a couple times last night, but didn't reply to my text. Now that it's a new day and I still haven't heard anything back I'm really starting to panic about it. She said that since yesterday was her day off work she was sleeping on and off throughout the entire day and on weekdays she works 2nd shift. I'm trying to get myself to calm down, but nothing I do seems to work. I'm telling myself that maybe she's been asleep and then is getting ready for work or maybe she forgot to hit send and maybe that's why I haven't heard back? So what are some other reasons why she may not have texted back?

What are some reasons that she hasn't replied to my text since last night?
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