Blocking a ghosting woman?


I recently cut ties with a girl with whom I had a romantic relationship, but that ended in April 2022. Now I just want to be friends but left the door open since I still have feelings for her. She's ghosted and breadcrumbed off and on since then but is always affectionate and touchy feely whenever I'm near her.

This latest bout of ghosting has been going on since June 2023, and I have no more desire to interact with her. I blocked her number, social media accounts, and avoid places she hangs out. Now she started saying things behind my back. I was friended by a Facebook profile with a name I didn't recognize, and it had no pictures or posts. I ignored it then it mysteriously changed to one of her friend's names recently, but still a blank page. It showed up two days after we broke up. I ended up blocking it, too. I'm confused and hurt that I had block someone for which I have feelings, but I needed to so I could move on.

What gives? Why does she even care? She wasn't talking to me anyway. I wasn't even on her social media anymore. I know a great deal about covert narcissists, but I'm always perplexed by their behavior.

Here's the really confusing part:

Since the breakup, I've noticed some strange things. Until recently, we used to work together in a school where I was the music teacher, and she was the office manager. There were some random kind things that occasionally happened that only she could have done, but never took credit for. Candy and extra food coupons that no one else got would appear in my box (she's in charge of the faculty boxes). My Christmas concert programs got spell-checked, copied, and laid out for the show. I asked her who did this, and she just said people do kind things around Christmas. When I had sepsis, I told her I was in the hospital, but she barely acknowledged it. When I was finally allowed visitors outside of immediate family, her best friend showed up to check on me. Et cetera.

I just don't understand any of this.

Blocking a ghosting woman?
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