This pissed me off?

I’m normally not a confrontational person, but this one nurse asks so much of me. I have had enough. It’s the little things she can do that she has me do, and tonight I stood my ground.

She asked for help repositioning a patient and the foley bag was on the bed (we usually hang them on the side rails but take it off when repositioning a patient so it doesn’t tug. I went in there and she didn’t need help so I was like “okay, that’s fine!” Then I start to walk out and she asks me to hang the bag on the rail and I told her “I’m busy right now” and walked out.

Was I in the wrong? She was standing on the left side of the bed and would have to go that way to walk out of the room.

It pissed me off. I didn’t say it to be mean, I don’t mind helping the nurses at all. I’ll empty foleys, do vitals, blood sugars and all that but little shit they can do it ticks me off.
This pissed me off?
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