Do you think that the majority of women are able to love for real?


If yes, than why the majority of divorces are initiated by women...

If yes, why is it always easier for a woman to dump a man...

If yes, why is it always that the woman is the one who falls out of love, stop caring and just wanna leave, out of the blue...

The list is big!

I see that women always brag that they are more emotional than men, they are always the ones who are oppressed, got cheated on, suffering from a heartbreak... etc, yet i always see the woman leaving the relationship even when everything is going on just well, they always have excuses to dump their men and make it looks like she's doing it for his interest šŸ¤£

Especially in this generation, girls are like timed bombs, they make you live the dream to the fullest and suddenly they wake you up to realize that you ain't in paradise, your burning in hell while she's leaving you to suffer and never look back!

In the past, i believe that women were totally different!

A typical woman telling you: "i love you dear, you're my life, i cannot live without you, i'll give you my everything, you are my 1st priority, i will always be there for you, i will never leave, trust me... bla bla bla, when her time expires and suddenly she changes 360Ā° degrees, you will be like shocked, numb, not knowing what happened and ask her: are you really going to leave me, but what about all these years, what about your love and promises... etc, she looks back at you looking like this...

Do you think that the majority of women are able to love for real?

She says: i changed, i feel that i can't love you anymore, i don't care about you anymore, i hope that you find someone better than me...

Just when you look at the demon in disguise and her face as you can see have this evil smile telling you: "suffer in your misery, die from your wounds and pain, i'm busy, you were just another number on my list, where you end, someone else begins"

Do you think that the majority of women are able to love for real?
7 Opinion