Yes they can if they want and pass the test.
From my observations, male drivers are far more aggressive and dangerous.31 Reply
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347 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. I really don’t see any reason they shud not drive. Where did your statistics come from?
12 Reply- 15 d
@Melanie31 Thank you for the Like
- 14 d
@Melanie31 Thank you for the MHO
What Girls & Guys Said
- 14 d
um... I think they are more dangerous drivers. Maybe the answer is there are higher driving tandards and repeat tests. Until they pass, they are on probation for driving and limited, must attend training.
But what to do about PMS. I'd make a wager many accidents from females are hormonally inspired. Their brainds don't work right and they mis judge. I wonder how many people die from pms related issues.
meds be the other reason or distraction.
10 Reply 773 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. It's true that women get into more accidents. It's also true that a small percentage of men (typically younger) tend to skew the numbers for men and also are responsible for most of the most serious accidents. These are the guys who are street-racing, doing side-shows, or otherwise showing off, and crash at high rates of speed.
Women rarely do these "show-off" kind of things, and so they rarely get into accidents for that reason. Most of the time, women get into accidents because they aren't paying attention to the road - they're on their phone, or they're putting on makeup, or they're paying attention to others in the car instead of to the road.
It's not politically correct to point this out, but there's a reason men's insurance drops significantly in price when they turn 25 and are much less likely to show off. And there's a reason why women's insurance drops less.
That doesn't mean there aren't excellent female drivers (and terrible male drivers, even at middle age when you'd think they'd be very good) - but the average man is a better driver than the average woman, and the average 35 year old man has had around half as many accidents as the average 35 year old woman.
Does that mean that women shouldn't drive? I wouldn't go that far. But my girlfriend only drives when she absolutely has to, despite years of experience, and MUCH prefers that I drive everywhere, and will readily admit that I'm a much better driver than she is. And many women who are in a relationship would say the same about driving and about their man (and, yes, a few exceptions exist!).
My brother's girlfriend is one of those women who skews the numbers to the negative for women. She's crashed at least a dozen cars - several more than once. I helped her get her most recent car, which has lasted 18 months, as the previous one was crashed 3 times before it was totaled. And the car before THAT one was ended this way:
She was on her phone and didn't see traffic stop and hit the truck at about 50-55 MPH, which knocked it into the car in front, which is why the front end of the truck is all damaged. But that truck was tough and they were able to fix it. The Prius was totaled.
I'm still amazed that she can get insurance...
10 ReplyStatistically women actually don't have more accidents as a total, but men are involved in more simply because men, generally, drive more. Long distance, haulage, most jobs involving driving as the primary function are male dominated industries because prior to everything having power steering the vehicles were heavy for women to drive over long distance.
Things are changing with technology making heavy vehicles easier to handle, but mostly it's still men involved in most accidents.
So why shouldn't women drive?20 Reply- 15 d
Well... I don't think simply being female is to blame for these statistics. I am a man, but if I knew I can easily talk my way out of trouble if I happen to cause an accident, and my car is so safe that I'm unlikely to die (also, I wasn't the one who paid for it), I might be inclined to drive more carelessly as well. Especially if I were to show off... to a woman. Therefore, I have no issue with women being allowed to drive, as long as they don't get preferential treatment - whether regarding traffic accidents or otherwise. Actually, if not for the preferential treatment, women are supposed to be less careless while driving, since they have no reason to show off and since they are supposedly more afraid of death and/or sustaining injuries.
10 Reply - 15 d
What kind of accidents? Cuz last I heard the deadly ones were 72% men. I don't think anyone should be banned from driving just bc of their gender but if u wanna make that argument, there's a reason men's car insurance is so much higher than women's...
Maybe we just shouldn't use vague statistics like this to make laws restricting 50% of the population?
50 Reply A bit of an antiquated idea, don't you think? I don't believe that study, from what I see on my way to work every day, I see a lot of really bad and dangerous driving by both male and female drivers. I think a lot of the problem is driver inattention, people eating, drinking, texting, among other things rather than focusing their attention on driving.
20 Reply- m15 d
I think maybe you are confusing men and women (not that surprising), I think in pretty much every modern country, guys especially 17 to 25 have the most accidents. Insurance companies even offer cheaper insurance to girls because they actually have less accidents and are less of an insurance risk.
20 Reply You either got bad information, or are lying. Or you're not from the US. I used to work traffic collisions and had access to the most comprehensive data sets on the topic. Females don't account for 71% of accidents. Even when you adjust for miles driven, they only get in slightly more accidents than men. And not even in all age ranges.
10 Reply- 15 d
Please cite your study. If it were true then you would think that women would be paying more for car insurance. However men pay higher rates of insurance. 🤔 it would seem that this is counter intuitive.
20 Reply - 15 d
I don’t want to use Indian public transport because that’s a sure-fire way to get molested if you look at least average and thus I prefer to have my own car. It is still better to just sit in the passenger seat because I know I’m not very skilled at driving
10 Reply Perhaps it's you who shouldn't drive, don't bundle us all into your weird observations.
20 Reply1.7K opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Yeah. Most accidental shootings are by men but we don't consider removing guns.
Accidents doesn't mean the removal of freedoms and rights are a good idea10 Reply- 15 d
Yes but their mentor MUST be a man which would decide and also MAN will give her the test. In that case if she passed and start driving crazy all guys can blame the ONE guy. ✌️
30 Reply Statistically women have more "light/small" accidents, men have more "big/fatal" accidents. I drive daily almost 4years and never had accident.
30 ReplySomehow that sounds like a very misogynist view to me
20 ReplyCompare the damage done in those collisions, between men and women, too. If you want to make a point.
10 Reply- 15 d
I dont think anyone should drive the whole driving system is retarded and causing many deaths amd a lot of stress and they are stealing all of our money. We need a good public transportation and walkable cities!
10 Reply - 12 d
What study is that? The ones I’m finding online say the opposite
10 Reply Hmm I didn't know that.
- 71% is a lot.. . But yes they should drive
10 Reply- 14 d
What's the point of me driving, when your questions are already driving me crazy.. 👉👈
10 Reply I don’t drive but my family is pushing me to drive. If I don’t have to drive, then there’s really no point in getting my license, is there? 🤔
20 Reply- 15 d
Yes they should both man and woman can be bad drivers. So people are careless
30 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)15 d
That's an interesting state that I never heard of before. From what country?
The real question is should women be allowed to vote? 🤣
10 Reply According to a study, 71% of traffic accidents are caused by women.
That is not true.
20 Reply- 12 d
Absolutely not. Why as a society do we let people that can’t even control their emotions be in control of a moving vehicle. It is utterly obscene
20 Reply - 15 d
SHOULD WOMEN DRIVE? Most speeders, tailgaters and other traffic outlaws are DUDES !!!
20 Reply - 15 d
Actually, I enjoy it when girls drive me around for a change.
20 Reply - 15 d
How do those breakdown? Fender benders? How about fatal accidents?
10 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)13 d
Are you really a girl? You ask some very misogynistic questions.
10 Reply 352 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Of course they should drive! Only third-world countries don't let them drive.
01 Reply307 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. yes, there are just way too many impaired and distracted drivers out there now.
Both sexes, and of course all of the made up ones.00 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)15 d
I don't know the majority of the stupid braindead unimaginably stupid shit I’ve seen has always been Indian men so.
10 Reply - 15 d
Yes they should just some women require more training
20 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)15 d
Why not? Why would having a cunt and tits stop them?
10 Reply - 15 d
Yes? Lmao. How else are they going to learn how to drive?
00 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)15 d
Why don’t the pink profiles try harder to pretend they aren’t men?
10 Reply So that 71% wouldn’t include you lmao XD
30 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)14 d
Women have a higher rate of accidents. The conditions for women to get a driver's license should be made more difficult.
10 Reply 1.5K opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. That number seems off 😳
10 Reply422 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Well it is a definite NO in that case.
10 Reply1.3K opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Drive me crazy.
10 Reply- 14 d
Really? Should men? Of course they should
10 Reply 411 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. I don’t drive 💃
21 Reply- 15 d
OMG @jennz6! Really? Why not?
- 14 d
Yes, of course and why not?
10 Reply Should they be allowed to vote?
10 Reply524 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. of course if they want to
21 Reply- 15 d
But throttle governors should be put on women's cars. Like maybe on weekdays, the governor allows women to go 8 miles per hour. Saturdays it would be 12 miles per hour. And Sundays it would be 15 mph.
- 14 d
10 Reply - 15 d
Already driving , now in Saudi also
10 Reply Which study?
10 ReplyNoooo they shouldn't 🥲
10 Reply586 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. TO CHIPOTLE TO GET MY FOOD
10 ReplyWomen are better drivers than men, lol 😝
10 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)14 d
Yes, I know some women who drive better than men.
10 Reply - 15 d
Yes I do
20 Reply Ummmm... ?
10 ReplyYes they should.
10 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)14 d
10 Reply
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