3 ways to spot a troll or troll question

3 ways to spot a troll or troll question.

1. Watch for Grammar and spelling errors. Trollz are very lazy and want to post a quick question.

They really don't care. If they have spelling errors then more the attention.

Example: yd did catty go losted in city?

Responders will respond with "You're Grammar is bad. Did you finish school?" Type of comments. Upon that they may get other type or answers.

If you call out anything they'll use that as an advantage. A reaction and any type of response will reinforces them to want to do more.

Its also the way the question and details are worded. That can make you easily spot an ovbvious troll question.

A serious vs a troll question is always worded differently.

2. The question's details are usually "a long story cut very short".

Trollz have no time to type an essay for 2 reasons.

1. Waste of time

If you know your trolling why waste hours on a question. Type a short question, move on and wait to see who'll catch the bait.

2. Not many people will read it = TL;DR

Most people will avoid answering essayed detailed questions. If people are avoiding it then, you won't get much of a reaction. Reaction is what Trollz need.

3. They often use the forums default pictures.

Why? I can't really say. Probably to stay under the radar. Who knows?

3 ways to spot a troll or troll question

3 ways to spot a troll or troll question


They are usually on a very low forum level.

Its not often you'll see a level 6 member posting troll questions. They don't care for the pointless points and levels.

Trollz love to bait people any way possible.

Your emotion is their dinner.

Trollz will post senstive topic questions that includes (Race, Sex, Religion, politics etc.)

Your sensitiveness is their lunch.

If you are being serious vs a troll, Trollz will love it. They'll play you like a fool.

Your seriousness is their Breakfast.

You call them out as being a troll.

Is their snack.

3 ways to spot a troll or troll question

3 ways to spot a troll or troll question
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