The Gangs of G@G

I have seen a lot of different G@Gers over the time I spent here, many are great, many are unique and most are funny.

This is just for fun classification, of the gangs over here, you are all great :)

From all over the world
From all over the world

1. The trolls

Look how happy they are
Look how happy they are

Many here are just for trolling, they are fun to keep up with most of the times, they sure bring joy to G@G.

2. The angry mob

Angry , but funny
Angry , but funny

They are angry for no reason, and they mostly use Anonymous to hide themselves, harmless but fun to keep fighting with.

3. The weird messengers

They look like this i think ...
They look like this i think ...

How many times did you get a weird message from someone out of the blue, that is a question about a really weird thing here on G@G? I always answer them with a great response, they tend to keep a chat for a while then go inactive.

4. The sexual active gang

I bet they feel cold LoL
I bet they feel cold LoL

Many here are like this, they ask questions about kinks and stuff, now personally I think they are trying to get people to sext with them, so I try to avoid them.

5. The deep thinkers

foods for thoughts
foods for thoughts

They ask a mind blowing question just to keep you thinking about it for a while before you answer, I enjoy it.

6. The How Do I Look Gang

You always look good :)
You always look good :)

Good people, they have a doubt about themselves. I always give my honest opinion about them and I believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way.

7. The strong ones

Strong , but kind
Strong , but kind

They are my favorite, users with strong opinions and a bit of aggressive tone. I like them, they are good by nature.

8. The nice users

You are nice , but you don't show it
You are nice , but you don't show it

Great guys and girls, they have a pure souls, and they don't insult people, and this includes all the users on G@G, but they don't show it.

9. The couples

I wish you happiness
I wish you happiness

Spread the love, this is what makes the world a better place. You can find love anywhere, a lot of couples here on G@G too, they are nice and lovely, I wish them the best :)

10. The penis/Boobs gang

See , there is a picture with captions to prove it ..
See , there is a picture with captions to prove it ..

You are always in doubt of what you have, that is how god created you, don't worry you will find someone who will love you no matter what.

11. The other guys

Be more like Will Ferrell and less like Mark Wahlberg
Be more like Will Ferrell and less like Mark Wahlberg

I know there are many other G@G gangs out there I didn't mention, you are here, be proud of who you are.


12. The #ShaveAbd Gang

#ShaveAbd won ...
#ShaveAbd won ...

You have made the impossible just to see me without a beard, you have done well and achieved your goal, good job.

In the end you are all here to understand each other, no matter how different we are. We have to learn to live with each other in peace, you are all great :)

The Gangs of G@G
Post Opinion