My take on MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)


My take on MGTOW

People argue about feminism and whether or not it is actually for equality or perhaps it is more about maintaining female privelege where society is compelled to allways favor women over men. Generally I am critical of feminism because i realize that although many women are well meaning feminists who want to have true equality between the sexes but just as communism/socialism masquerades as a political/social movement that benefits society as well as the people themselves the consequences and outcomes that come out of it say otherwise. From my own personal knowlege I know that feminism is not the grass roots movement that it once was but is now controlled by the establishment and special interest . Enough time has passed that we now can see how modern feminism is nothing more than a social engeering program to destroy western society by the ruling class.

During the 50s we had the traditional house hold where the man was the bred winner of the family and the wife stayed home, cooked, cleaned and took care of the children. During the 60s/70s the sexual revolution came about, the advent of birth control made the fear of unwanted pregnancy obsolete so women would have more control over there own sexuality and a stable monogamous relationship would not be needed . Second wave feminism came on the scene right around this time and the goal was to make women more finically independent from men by joining the work force. The real hidden agenda of course was to weaken and destroy the family , get women to work so they can pay income taxes which would increase the size of the state ranging from social programs such as welfare , to the police state and of course the military industrial complex. Also due to the steady rise of inflation in the money supply it also takes two incomes just to raise a family rather than one.The other goal was to get kids into school at an earlier age to be indoctrinated by the public education system. Feminism's faithful master and sugar daddy is the state which favors women over men. Feminism also creates a division between men and women only to pit them against each other as a divide and conquer strategy because humanity is stronger when men and women can effectively work together instead of trying to compete with each other. It's almost like modern feminism is also about trying to be more like men by obtaining wealth, status, power, and influence but at the same time wanting men and society as a whole to be responsible for them and take care of them as they are told that they are always victims. Even though women in the western world are the most priveliged it's never enough and equality is never obtained no matter how much they receive.

Today we have an epidemic of broken/single parent house holds and families, fatherlessness, a high divorce rate with a court system that favors women. Young boys are struggling and languishing in our public school system that views girls as the ideal student and punishes boys for being boys, more women go to college and graduate with a degree. I can go on and on about how society often looks after women but neglects men. But anyways.

To add insult to injury the reality is that many guys would like to settle down and have a family but on mass women have become more selfish, vapid, ego-centric, materialistic, entitled even predatory . Many women are promiscuous where they end up loosing their V-card when they are starting high school if not earlier and due to the emotional damage that comes from not only from the destruction of the family but the series of romantic and sexual experiences that have transpired which often creates baggage which often makes it difficult to have stable monogamous relationships in the long run. The risk of having your marriage fail and fall victim to divorce not to mention the family court system is far greater than the prospect of finding the right women to have a strong long lasting marriage with.

There is a men's movement that exists that is trying to reverse the adverse affects of 2nd and now 3rd wave feminism. MRA in my eyes is not as effective because it's trying to use many of the same tactics as feminism but feminism has the power of the state behind it but MGTOW (men going their own way) is a movement that provides a perspective and what is referred to as "red-pill" philosophy to free and empower men on an individual basis . By rationally and logically being able to understand themes such as the gynocentric nature of society, female nature, how women take advantage and exploit men, how men are treated as a utility, the concept of male disposability, hypergamy, among other themes and above all else understanding then transcending your own primal urges to have sex and reproduce so that you don't spend your young life thinking with your little head and ruining your life . Many MGTOWs are consciously choosing not to get married and have children even dating and sex itself !

Personally I probably would not label myself a MGTOW. I might be considered a purple pill kinda guy . I do dream of having a wife and family and even though I've had my own negative experiences with women but I feel that by now that I've gained enough experience and wisdom do be able to selectively pick the right women. But from MY own experiences I agree a lot with what MGTOW has to say and in many ways because I myself had to go my own way and come to terms with the fact that everything I thought about women was wrong.

From my own personal observations from YouTube videos and the comments, men who become MGTOW especially often come across as being very bitter about women from their own negative experiences, I would also surmise that many men who end up becoming MGTOW are often men who have given up on the concept of love all together .You can't just easily just dismiss it and ride it off, these experiences are quiet wide spread and in MGTOW circles a girl who is actually worth dating and is an ideal mate is called a NAWALT (not all women are like that) which is considered rare and even mythical. I personally think they are pessimistic but the truth hurts and they speak many truths. I strongly suggest that you check out MGTOW, if you're a woman it will give you more insight and perhaps a different perspective from the outside looking in. MGTOW is growing everyday and perhaps it might catch on to the point where everyone is aware of it but what I'm curious to see is what kind of impact MGTOW will have on society. With out a lot of men activily providing resources and utility for women, women in our society might have to have an honest look at who they are not just on an individual basis but on a collective basis because young men are tired of dealing with women who expect to be worshiped for the fact that they are women. Only time will tell at this point.

My take on MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)
8 Opinion