How to have confidence and be who people think you should


Want to get that shit, get laid, and be at max power? Follow these fucking steps!

1. Get a fresh cut

How to have confidence and be who people think you should

Lookin' good fam, keep it clean, keep it tight, do this to have confidence!

2. Get a sweet beard trim

How to have confidence and be who people think you should

Oh yeah looking real good, keep it up man...

3. Have a healthy diet

How to have confidence and be who people think you should

Do not eat nasty food, eat good and feel good!

3. Try something new

How to have confidence and be who people think you should

It's not a party if you don't do something that scares you!

4. Go out and exercise

How to have confidence and be who people think you should

Have a good time, be healthy as fuck and meet new people...

How to have confidence and be who people think you should
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