Eight of The Worst Things About Being a Man


Eight of The Worst Things About Being a Man
What do I think are the worst things about being a man? Oh boy, I can feel all of your eyes rolling back in your head right now and your fingers itching to write the, but you're just some chick, what do you know answer, but be assured men, of course you can pipe up and speak for yourselves in the comments. I mean, literally, how would I know. However, this is merely my outside of your gender observation and opinion. You're welcome to agree, disagree, agree to disagree because of course, you are the experts on this one.

1. People want to fight you (and sometimes you can't fight back)

When you hear the story of somebody in a bar getting their face bashed in with a beer bottle, most likely that person isn't a woman. Men want to fight other men.You guys even sometimes say it yourselves...unlike a lot of women who talk fight, ignore fight, gossip fight, you guys tend to physcially want to fight it out, and supposedly be done with whatever the 'it,' of it, is. Even if you don't want to fight, if you are challenged, it's seen as a complete weakness by many for you to walk away, especially if someone's honor is at stake or at least percieved to be. Men are also more likely to be physically bullied. I'm not a guy, but I can only guess that no man enjoys getting punched and getting his nose broken or his eye blackened or his ribs cracked . Also, when it comes to abuse, if that physical abuse is coming from a woman, you are not allowed to really defend yourself in anyway or we all know what will happen. I'm not advocating that either sex should be able to beat up on the other or anyone should in general just be beating up on someone else, but we have instincts for a reason. If we are being injured, our recourse is to try our best to defend against such abuse, but not being able to even use self defense is a tough one. People can talk about how much stronger and bigger men are then women so that's why, but if someone is battering you with a bat or kicking you in the gut, even as a woman, I know I would want to at least try and strike back to protect myself from more harm.

Eight of The Worst Things About Being a Man

2. If you're short, you're screwed

A tall woman at the very least can stereotypically play basketball or model, but a short guy, where is the, well, upside? I'm not saying short guys can't lead happy wonderful productive lives, but in the dating pool, short height is basically never listed as something women routinely think is attractive. Even beyond dating, men and society at large, tend to assign more power and respect to those men who are taller. We make tall men leaders, heads of companies, heads of militaries, stars on basketball teams.

3. Crying = Weakness

Men and women often view a man say, weeping or crying, as a sign of weakness or something to question a man's manhood over. When a little girl stubs her toe and bursts into tears, she is often held and cuddled until the crying stops, but for a little boy, even early on, he's more likely to be told to suck it up, or be a big boy, or act like a man. This sentiment carries on through the majority of his life. Even in moments that no one could possibly fault a man for crying, there is often this internal or external pressure on them to be strong and to not show emotion or to suck it up.

Eight of The Worst Things About Being a Man

4. You cannot fail

When you hear that a 25 year old woman had to move back home to live with her parents until she got back on her feet, there would maybe be a few grumblings here and there about her age, but switch woman with man, and it's crazy how many more people would fault the man for being "a failure," or for not being able to handle the responsibilities of being an adult more than they would a woman. Just as there is a never ending pressure for mothers to raise perfect kids and to take perfect care of them, there is a similar pressure on men to be the bread winners, to make sure they are heads of households and there is food on the table. A man must been seen as able to strike out on his own, and then be that same man able to keep the household together if he marries and/or has children. As modern of a society as we claim we are, these gender rules for both men and women, haven't changed much.

5. Sex Brain

You're wired for sex. You want it. You think about it. You're thinking about it right now. This brain function cannot seemingly be turned off. Dating can be like wanting a piece of cake, and then finding out that every other day or every day, the cake shop is just closed with no warning, no rhyme, and no reason. Women think about sex, but not on the same level as men. In our minds, you should be able to control that impulse better, but just as we can get crazy on our own set of insane hormones, you can too and I imagine not having an outlet, a release if you will, could be really really really frustrating.

Eight of The Worst Things About Being a Man

6. You have to stay in your lane

A man decides to take a ballet class. A man decides to be a stay at home father. A man tries on a skirt. A man grows out his hair down his back. Let's try this again. A woman takes a car repair class. A woman decides to be CEO. A woman tries on a pair of pants. A woman cuts her hair short. When a man does things that are traditionally seen as something women do or women's work, or whatever sexist terms are thrown in there, he is rarely applauded. A lot of times he is made fun of and told that old standard phrase, to man up and be a man, or called gay, or told he can't do what he's doing. When women take on these gender stereotypes, they are often applauded for their efforts and for breaking gender barriers. No one is going to question a woman wearing pants, but a man in a skirt...the sky is apparently falling. Women are more frequently "allowed" to challenge the gender roles set in place by society that men are not really "allowed" to do.

7. You can't raise your children

When it comes to custody, most likely the kids are going to go with their mother. Society feels children cannot survive as well without their mothers (in the case of babies, that is probably actually more true on account of breastfeeding), but that aside, fathers are rarely given full custody of their children even in cases where the mother is shown to be less than a good mother. This is completely aggrivating for those fathers who ARE great fathers and want a chance to raise their children in a safe, happy, healthy environment sometimes not available to their kids in the care of their mothers. It's one thing to have dual custody, but to have your children taken away from you and out of your care when you do want them AND can take care of them, is extremely hard and unfair.

Eight of The Worst Things About Being a Man

8. You will always be "the bad man" to someone

Having worked with children for a few years, I cannot tell you how many mothers and even some father's would point blank ask me who was that guy (meaning my male co-workers) standing around or playing with their kids, in that accusatory voice. I remember this one time, this lady was already trying to dial the police because she thought one of them was some type of creeper on the playground because he had a jacket on and she couldn't see his uniform shirt. Women in general have some basic and not so basic distrusts of men. I mean we're warned at basically every opportunity in life that men are rapists, murderers, pedophiles, and dangerous. You could be as nice as pie, but some woman, somewhere, some time, without provocation, will assume one day that you are evil or bad or a dog or the devil himself just because you are in possession of a penis. You could just be out for a walk at the park at dusk and the woman in front of you starts fast pace walk and looking behind her and running away from you because she assumes you're following her or worse.

There you have it. What do you guys think? Do any of these really bother you, annoy you, frustrate you. Do you feel like I have no idea what I'm talking about? I would love to hear from you, your own thoughts and what you feel are the worst things about being a guy.

Eight of The Worst Things About Being a Man
40 Opinion