Why I Hate Men: So Women Don't Feel Attacked


Why I hate men: so women don't feel attacked

I made a myTake about how I hate my gender and as predicted woman are upset while men love it.

As happy as that makes my cold heart, I simply cannot allow one side to be left out. I must offend both sides. [because I hate everyone equally] So for crabby ladies out there who got mad, especially that one anon chick. Here's why I hate dudes.

Pre note: i might not say it, but add the words MOST/SOME/ etc othet words that mean "not all"


Men seem to have a stronger sense[?], reaction[?], I don't know the word I need here, of homophobia than women do. Meaning they damn near refuse to be in the same room as gay guys. While most females have no problem being around a lesbian. I learned this when I went to boot camp, as all the females showered together without issue while the one gay guy in boot camp had to wait til everyone else showered for fear of being attacked. Not all men act like that of course some are chill but majority of men are kinda assholes when it comes to that.

Macho Attitudes/Not Following Up:

I don't know how to phrase this. But men act all macho and then they do things to counter act that. A prime example is my father, he is your typical mans man, yet he bitches that my mom "never spends time with him, pays attention to him, etc. Your either macho or you have feelings. Which one is it bros. I know its normal and human to have emotions but when you parade around doing the macho thing and claiming you don't have emotions then very clearly express them ita inconsistant and a bit frustrating. I call this Man-opause


As the same with my women post a lot of my complaints mostly revolve around people I know, and it just so coincidentally translates to men "in general". But men and their helplessness is kinda annoying. Ex. They wait for woman to come home and cook for them. They are giant babies when they get sick. Etc. You have two hands you can cook for yourself and everyone gets sick. Men do it more dramatically of course.

there's not much else that annoys me about men.

I could mention rapist/rapey/overtly sexual atttiudes but women can be just as bad. Although it is universally seen as a male only issue. And that does significantly annoy me. I get it. Sex is good. Its fun. But have some self control you fucker.

Again not all these apply to all men. Just like my women one doesn't apply to all women. Its just unfortunately like the women one I made. Its what I personally see the most.

I guess i hang around shitty people of both genders. Mostly shitty females seeing as that post was much longer. But here ya go ladies. So you don't feel left out. That's why I hate men.

Why I Hate Men: So Women Don't Feel Attacked
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