Why I hate my gender: A look into my traitorous mind


Why I hate my gender: a look into my traitorous mind.

I'm a self proclaimed tom-boy.

I don't often find myseld with a bounty of female friends. I don't really like females. I much rather keep male company than females.

A mytake that @Chief16 made has inspired me to make my own. As well as a bunch of questions I've been seeing on here.

So here's why I hate[dislike] a majority of my own gender.

MOST women are catty:

A majority of females are unbearably catty. Y'all pretend to play nice with each other but then talk shit behind each others backs. I have lots of male friends and I almost never have been another male or a group of males talk behind each others back but any female "friends" that I've had almost always talk shit about each other. Its' completely ridiculous. How can you call someone a friend then deliberately talk shit BEHIND their backs, At least when men talk shit its to each others faces,

MOST women are "princesses":

Lots of females think they are entilted to everything. That because they have vaginas that men need to worship the ground they walk on. That even after a month or two of dating a man should be showering them with gifts and attention. Calm. The. Fuck. Down. Men don't owe you shit. I hardly ever expect my man to shower me with gifts. Is it a nice gesture? Of course! But do I demand it? Do I expect it? Fuck no. Especially without him getting anything in return. My boyfriend actually spoils the shit out of me, two months into dating he got me a bunch of stuff from Teavana, and if you know what Teavana is you know its not cheap. Was it a nice gesture? Absolutely. Did I expect it? Fuck no. I feel guilt every single time he spoils me because I'm a budding actress. I don't have a full time job and I don't have tons of money. Which means I can't spoil him the way he spoils me. He knows this and still chooses to spoil me {by the grace of God} And when I do have extra money I can spend I return the favor {which i suppose makes my gestures all the more meaningful} but if you don't do shit for your man how the fuck can you expect him to do shit for you.


I don't mean actual feminist. The good ones who are actually trying to make a difference. I mean the man hating bitches. Ones who cry "abusing women is awful" but cheer when a man gets beat by his girl for no reason. The ones who are against female gential mutilation, but are totally ok with circumcision of babies. Who claim we need fair wages but work "safe" cooshy desk jobs while men work "dangerous" blue collar jobs. ETC. and before someone out their says "women like that don't exist. They do. I've met some. In person. and they were dead serious.

A few other things that I'm not sure what kind of "topics" to put them into are:

-Women who constantly complain when men hit on them, but cry if noone is. (you are clearly being a vain selective bitch, the type of guy you want to hit on you isn't, and the type of guy you dont want hitting on you is)

-Golddiggers. Kinda goes with above. But if you want a boyfriend based on income and looks. You are one of the worst human beings ever. You should be with someone because you love them not because you'd make cute babies or because he makes bank. Especially if you the bitch that gets mad at a man for having preferences {ex. if he likes skinny chicks you yell at him for "hating" big chicks, but you'll only date a man with muscles, etc.. STFU hypocrite)

I mean the list can go on and on I think but my hand is getting pretty tired of writing and I don't want to bore you more than I might already have.

Just a few thoughts of mine. I really don't fancy my gender. Most females are kinda cunts.

if your wondering why I say most a lot. its because I know not all females are like this I'm not, and even tho it doesn't matter how many times I say MOST, because some bitch is gonna blow what I say out of proportion, and be like "not all woman are like that" but I still want to make it extremely well know that when I say MOST, I mean, NOT ALL, but a pretty decent majority. Maybe like 70/30. At least from my POV

*cue infinate hate mail from females who identify with this but are too proud to admit it, so they will yell at me for their downfalls*

Why I hate my gender: A look into my traitorous mind
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