My view on gender culture


Gender culture is a word I am using to describe categories that while is it not completely unique to each gender are some that I find define or likely fall into each gender category.

I am going to spend time talking about each. Starting with Guys.

1. Guys tend to like their football

My view on gender culture
My view on gender culture

Now I need to say this every time because I know it will come up. Girls do like football. It's a true fact. But rare is a time that I will hear a guy say they know nothing about football or not be able to state a teams stats. It also maybe not be football per say. It could be basketball, baseball or hockey but guys tend to have their sports niche. There is nothing wrong with it but it is a trend I have noticed.

2. Guys tend to aim for muscles

My view on gender culture
My view on gender culture

Girls do also aim to build muscles and not all guys aim to build their muscles either. But I would argue and guys that don't have muscles are jealous of guys that do. Muscles are not easy to get that take work and commitment. But overall I think guys tend to desire them and girls while not every girl like guys that have them.

3. Guys tend to like action movies

My view on gender culture

Girls do like action movies. But I aim to think that most guys that I know like action movies, it is rare for me to find a guy that does not. I feel like it is a part of guy nature to like action movies. Right next to beer and beef jerky.

4. Guys like to work with wood and similar projects with their hands

My view on gender culture

Girls like to make projects with wood too. But I think guys just like the ability to make something, kind of like a man's work of art. It is their act of love. It is something they are proud of. I have talked to many guys that have done wood projects and their is great pride behind them. It may seem small to outsiders but those that have put the work in knows the time and sacrifice wood working can take, especially when done by hand.

5. Guys look sexy in a suit

My view on gender culture
My view on gender culture

While girls look cute and can look sexy and confident in a suit, I argue that it is a guys niche. I think it is the one thing that really makes a guy stand out. From cocktail parties to board meetings to James bond movies, it is the one thing that a guy can wear to bring out the best in their appearance.

6. Guys tend to love their cars

My view on gender culture
My view on gender culture

Girls can love cars too. But it is rare for me to find a guy that can't tell you what the newest cars are right now or be able to tell you what his favorite car is. It is like in a guys DNA to know these things. In addition, all guys have basic car knowledge. In my mind, my the knowledge that guys have at AutoZone is not taught them, they already have that knowledge from when they worked on cars before. Basically, if it is a guy, they will know something about cars.

That is brief amount of what I call guy culture, now let's take a look at girl culture.

1. Girls tend to like going shopping

My view on gender culture
My view on gender culture

While guys shop too, just looking at a mall directory will tell you that girls like it more. It is less about being practical as in needing a pair of jeans it is more about the experience and being social with girlfriends. It is having fun trying stuff on and walking out in pride with having found a new item for their wardrobe. With some many clothing options it's hard not to find one to walk out of a mall with. Being a guy, I rarely stop in my tracks if ever at guy fashion but girl fashion can have that effect. Its not hard to see why clothes shopping can be fun for girls.

2. Girls tend to enjoy gymnastics and volleyball

My view on gender culture
My view on gender culture

I would like to think of it as a girls right of passage. In grade school you learn gymnastics and in high school you take up volleyball. These can and do carry into later years which can bring fond memories of the past at times. But it can be seen as a great time of bonding and finding confidence and grace in your own abilities.

3. Girls tend to like romantic movies

My view on gender culture

While guys can like romantic movies and some girls don't I argue that most do. Its the dream of that perfect relationship. The hope that one day the right guy will sweep them off their feet. Its getting a pizza after dieting all week and a nice bottle of wine with the girlfriends and getting out a box of tissues. It is cliché but I can almost bet it happens with most girls and marketing of various kinds leans in that direction, to mention examples girls enjoying romantic movies shown in various TV and movies.

4. Girls like working with crafts

My view on gender culture

Guys can like crafts too but whenever I walk into craft store nearly every person if not all are girls. There are so many options to choose from including fabrics, knitting, painting, and various examples of do it yourself crafts on various social media and as I have seen personally, on daytime tv talk shows. I am not saying that guys don't do it, its just not nearly often as girls.

5. Girls have many clothing options that can display their sexyness

My view on gender culture
My view on gender culture

While guys have suits girls have much more. Its honestly mind boggling if you sit down to think about it. A challenge in your mind to think about exactly how many options clothing are available to girls in a mall. It's not that from a guy's point of view easy but just taking in clothing terms... you can't go shopping in a girls section without having a wide enough vocabulary. It is similar to going to into a car mechanic knowing nothing about cars and trying to ask what is wrong with your car. There are so many terms foreign to most guys. It is honestly mind boggling. If you type in women's dresses then looking in the description... let me grab an example. "Women Sleeveless V Neck Wedding Dress Elegant Party Evening Slim Maxi Dress" or "Self-Portrait Women's Dresses – Cape-effect guipure lace midi dress Blue" It is a mouthful but it really shows the amount of detail that goes into describing girls fashion. All that to say, its no wonder that girls like shopping more than men do.

6. Girls tend to like using makeup and styling their hair.

My view on gender culture
My view on gender culture

It is a double edge sword when it comes to makeup. It make you look good but it also paints a false picture of what you really look like and its not natural. But overall it can be fun to experiment with because of all the options that exist for makeup out there. So many types and shades and colors. Given it is better to look for a safer makeup for the skin. There are so many options that can it be fun art to explore. Hair is much more accepted and their are so many ways and style you could go with it. Different colors, hair accessories, short or long, held up or spread out, there are so many ways you could take it. While appearance can be a pain, I would argue that their is a sense of pride when a girl takes time in the mirror before she heads out.

So I went through all this to say, I don't like sports, I don't intend to get muscles, action movies are too predictable and cliché, I don't like cars or know much if anything about them, and the thought that suits and muscles can be seen as one of the only major ways to be attractive as a guy is frustrating. I am not going to say that I could not enjoy woodworking but I would much rather go shopping in a mall, watch romantic movies over action movies and enjoy crafting over most male activities. In fact, when I was a kid in grade school I was briefly in gymnastics and I remember it being one of my fondest memories.

All that to say, I find myself liking girl culture a little better than guy culture. I am not going to say that I am not a geek/nerd or don't like playing video games/board games because I do which can be going against girl culture to some extent but I just find myself fitting into general male culture. Which does make me interested to get into a female relationship to see exactly how all this might play out. But I am not a traditional guy at least not completely. It is also hard in a world of traditional values and ideas that some might consider me to be like a broken toy, thinking something was wrong with me. It is honestly hard to put into words everything I am thinking and feeling. But in general I am just to trying to find with center with who I am.

Hopefully you enjoyed my points on different parts of gender culture. Do you think gender culture is a term or would you call it something different? Do you agree with the assumptions I made for each gender? I am interested to hear your thoughts

My view on gender culture
34 Opinion