The Five Best Kinds of Guys

The Five Best Kinds of Guys

The Five Best Kinds of Guys

This was inspired by a fellow gaggers MyTake called, The Five Best Kinds of Girls.

First off, let's remember there are hundreds of types of guys out there to pick from. Some are big, some are small, some are smart, some are dumb. Hey, some guys can really be a lot of fun!

So without further BS here is Wowgirl30q's

Five Best Kinds of Guys

The Five Best Kinds of Guys

The Good Guy

He’s always the perfect gentleman, a charmer and always well-mannered to all. He can’t stand confrontation and wants everyone around him to be nice. Yes, the Polite Type, A Sweetheart, he is a firm believer that chivalry is not yet dead; he’ll always open the door for you, and care how you're feeling. He is kind and is giving to others. If he's not too soft and too sensitive then this type of guy will make a great boyfriend or husband. He's a romantic and believes in true love. He's not a tough guy at all. This guy is very unlikely to be a cheater or a player due to his big heart and moral compass. He's a lover not a fighter.

The Five Best Kinds of Guys

The Analytical Guy

He's educated and cultured but doesn't always do well socially or with the ladies. Some may even call him the Nerd or Geek kind of guy. He works in finance or I.T and drives an overpriced car. He talks too loud on the phone, making it painfully aware to everyone that he’s closing an important business deal or he has a large vocabulary set. Plus, he wears showy watches but doesn’t have any real style because he's all awkward inside. Unless Geeks appeal to you, he’s not exactly marriage material for most. But he's smart, lovely to talk with, and probably wealthy due to his studies and high I.Q.

The Five Best Kinds of Guys

The Funny Guy

Everyone has at least one funny guy in their lives. You know the guy I speak of. He’s always cracking jokes and pulling goofy pranks; he’s the life of every party he goes to. People love him, he gets along with everyone. He cheers you up when you are down and is always ready for a new adventure or experience. He means well, but he's usually not the best at romance or lacks game altogether. If you’re dating a funny guy, hold on to him. I mean who doesn’t want to laugh all the time and have fun? This guy usually is loyal and has a hint of charming undertones beneath all the silly jokes but again definitely not a ladies man in general. He makes a good friend or boyfriend.

The Five Best Kinds of Guys

The Prick ( my favorite )

The Ultimate player, he is a narcissistic asshole, gorgeous, super charmer that most women want but can't have. He's a bad boy, he's hot and Very aware that women think so. His phone is full of one-night Tinder conquests and angry WhatsApp messages from jilted ex's and random women he's met all over the place. Chances are he’s in his 20s and if you’re looking for a good hook-up he’s your man. But don’t count on him for the long-haul, or you being the one that gets him to change his ways. The Prick is the one guy with so much swagger, game, and charm it's dangerous to us girls. He always has a slick comment to throw into the conversation no matter what the topic. This guy plays sports, lifts weights, and probably enjoys fighting or super masculine hobbies like car racing or outdoor sports. He's socially dominant and loves the spotlight on him. He has a zero tolerance rule for BS and is a man's man always. Hello Masculinity....

The Five Best Kinds of Guys

The Hero

This guy grabs life by the horns and is taking on a new adventure practically every single day. Whether it’s white water rafting or rock-climbing, he’s living life to the max. He's athletic and hot Yes, very hot.. He's the Adventure type of guy and is fun to be around, but he craves excitement and danger as well. This guy is driven and has a profession such as a Cop, Army Man, or UFC fighter. He stands up for the little guy and has the skill set to do so. This guy is also often a leader and a No-nonsense type. He strives for justice and the greater good. He isn't scared to voice his opinion about anything although he does it in a civilized rational way think Captain America.

The Five Best Kinds of Guys

Well, thanks everyone for your time and always remember that.. #WowgirlRocks

The Five Best Kinds of Guys
Post Opinion