Does he like me? Why does he and his friends keep looking at me?

Why does he and his friends keep looking at me? This guy who is in my lunch is always glancing or looking at me. Whenever i'm talking and laughing with my friends, he always looks. I have seen him point at me a few times and his friends have turned to look at me. Most of the time when he thinks i'm not looking, he would glance or stare a while and my friends would tell me. Whenever he's not looking my way and i look his way, i would realize that his friends who sit right next to him will look my way. Sometimes we make eye contact, he would not look away but me being shy, i'll look away. He will also look at me when i walk into the cafeteria and sit. His friends would also look at me in the hallway when i walk pass them.
He likes me
He doesn't like me
Others (please explain)
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Does he like me? Why does he and his friends keep looking at me?
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