I ruined things with a great guy and now I dont know what to do?

So I've been working with this guy for about a year. After a while we became pretty good friends and talked all the time. We started talking a lot at work and we hung out outside of work a couple times with our friends/coworkers, never just us though. I think he started to like me. He asked me to go to the movies one time and I told him I couldn't go and once this fall semester started at college we talked about what classes we had and he said we should meet up in between classes and hang out. Our classes were at different times so we never got a chance to meet up either. He would always text me, send snapchats, talk on fb etc. And at work we would always talk. Even our coworkers took notice and would always talk/gossip about us when they saw us together. I felt weird because he was my coworker and I didn't really think it was a good idea. Then I started to like him more and I noticed he had started to back off a bit and taking less of an interest. Well then one day he mentioned he had started dating this girl. I was shocked and really disappointed, which is when I realized I really liked him. I think I gave him the impression that I didn't like him and he gave up and I don't blame him. I'm really kicking myself in the ass. Now I dread going to work cause I have to see him and pretend like every things ok. We're still friends and talk at work all the time. He always finds an excuse to come up and talk to me and the way he acts makes me feel like he still likes me but its really confusing. I kind of want to just tell him I like him and get it off my chest but I know that would make things super awkward.
He is a really great guy and I really hate myself for fucking it up.
What should I do?
I ruined things with a great guy and now I dont know what to do?
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