When a guy jokes about sex with you does he mean it?

I was playing a drinking game with my friends and boyfriend the other night. One of the dares in the game meant I had to swap seats.

The friend I sat next to kept making comments all night. When I had to pick someone to put their hands down my pants (chose my bf) he kept jokingly placing his hand towords that area. When I picked my boyfriend to hold my hand, he placed his hand on top. When I nibbled on my boyfriend ear, he outright asked me why I never picked him. Then when I had to kiss him on the cheek, he turned his head just as I was about to kiss him. I jerked my head away before I touched his lips and he just laughed, placed his head in his hands and said "I'm sorry I'm very drunk". Then when we had to pick who around the table we wanted to sleep with, instead of picking one of the guys (they were picking eachother for the fun of it) he picked me.

It made me feel uncomfortable, not going to lie by my boyfriend don't seem to mind. Is this just a joke or does he want to do those things. We live with each (all my friends do). I just want to know his possible intention behind thess jokes as he does it to no one else.
When a guy jokes about sex with you does he mean it?
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