It's really difficult to know for sure without knowing what kind of guy you're dealing with, or at least reading your texts. What kind of person is he? Is he a social butterfly, or more introverted? What were his previous relationships like? Is he a player/fuckboy, or does he have the looks and charm to be one?
Without knowing stuff like that, here are my suggestions for the possible reasons for his behaviour:
- Some guys like the chase for some weird reason. Perhaps he'd have preferred that you play mind games with him. I think that's immature, but to each their own.
- He might be nervous; he didn't expect you'd be so into him, or respond so positively. Now he's getting cold feet or wants to step back.
- He might not see you as a priority (as some other comments have also suggested). He's flirting with someone else that he prefers, and he's also making progress with her.
- He's busy. Which in a way ties to the above point since no one is ever too busy for someone they really care about, or are really interested in.
- You're more invested in him than he is in you. Some guys would love it if a girl was flirting with them and giving them so much attention, others would start feeling suffocated. This ties somewhat to the first point.
- It's possible something that you said, which you thought was you flirting, was actually offensive, or a turn-off to him. If you're a sarcastic person, or are unaware of the values he subscribes to; this might very well be the case.01 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- +1 y
He is either a flake, not interested or already has other women he is more interested in. Don't chase him... let it go!
When you text "ignoring me now I see" that sends a message to him that YOU like him a lot and he can basically treat you anyway he wants because you aren't sending the right signals. You should ignore bad behavior and reward good behavior.
Bad behavior doesn't get a text stating "ignoring me now I see" Bad behavior gets no response.1616 Reply- +1 y
I deleted that text I sent! I guess I just loose control. However on Snapchat he will see that I deleted a text. At least he won’t see what I said tho 😂
- +1 y
@amelia7889 You must remember that when you put that much energy into someone... that someone will think you have nothing better to do but to wait around for their response thus... no response. You need to show him and anyone else that you talk too that you are a very busy person with passions and goals in your life and most of all that your time is VALUABLE.
Set deadlines to communicate around your schedule not cater to his wishy washy time table. You set the boundaries and let them follow not the other way around.
Keep us posted! Good luck to you. - +1 y
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- +1 y
@coachTanthony, she panicked after an hour... She is too Needy!!! She doesn't need to play the game she needs help...
- +1 y
@Moonchild714 I thought that it what I was doing LOL.
- +1 y
Yeah, but I'm being a Bitch by saying she needs to stay out of Relationships right now until she works on herself... I'm PhD mode at the moment.
- +1 y
@Moonchild714 Not sure If I have enough information to make that diagnose doc LOL. She could start by just setting some standards for herself and not breaking them. Maybe find a passion and a purpose and let that be her guiding light in life instead of having another human being provide that for her. Let's book her an appointment?
- +1 y
@coacHTanthony, I know you know this but for her to find her true Passion she needs to first find out why she seeks affirmation from others such as men... I keep saying I'm not going to Therapy on here but every now and then I start to... LOL
- +1 y
@Moonchild714 Maybe she will tell us!
- +1 y
- +1 y
The first thing that came to my mind is that he is probably occupied at the moment but then when you mentioned that he has viewed your statuses yet he still chose to not respond can mean a lot of things. I mean if you are really busy then why do you still have the time to view my status? One thing for sure is that we also dont know what is happening to him as well... he could be really busy with work. Plus many guys aren't great texters as well to be honest so that could also be a factor. What I am trying to say is that whatever the case may be with him... just let him be for now, you dont want to be those annoying people who keep sending a lot of messages as well so also keep it subtle. Guys can be confusing at times... but whatever the case maybe just dont think of it too much because trust him he isn't thinking about it as well so why waste your time. Try occupying yourself to get your mind off him for a while... the less you stress about it and reshift your focus to other things... the more you even forget checking your phone every two minutes. If he feels like responding he will do so with his own pace... it might take some hours/days depending on him so for the time period just reshift your focus to other things. Plus you aren't dating him yet so you can still technically see other people around you and choose who best fits you so dont panick okay.
10 Reply
I suppose, when a man is first getting to know a woman, he's possibly only sexually/physically attracted to her, and probably feels the same attraction towards many girls at once. There's also the chance that he's an asshole who just uses women to help his low self esteem & doesn't care about their feelings (he's too immature then anyway).
When I'm talking to/dating a guy, i have very low expectations of them (on purpose) so that i don't get disappointed. And this might sound slutty, but if you have the mindset of only wanting sex from the man, & if he were to just use you for sex, you wouldn't feel bad/ashamed about it, because that's what you wanted/expected from him. Then you won't get as emotionally attatched to guys, too easily. I hope this helps :)10 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
Lol I bet it's cause he wasn't serious and was just flirting for fun. So when you asked if he has work tmr, he probs thought you wanted to hang out irl so he flaked and backed out.
If that's not the case then I think he's moved on, like while he was messaging you, he was talking to another girl and got with her but didn't wanna tell you so he just decided to stop talking.
Butttt these are just guesses lol, just give it some time, giving him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he's busy. At times, if I have a chat open, it may say that I've read it but I haven't actually (sometimes the message may be left on read for a while). So just wait like a day or two lol10 ReplyIt sounds to me like he is interested. That's something time will tell better than any of our trying to second-guess.
My phone does some strange stuff too sometimes. I've been known to put it on a charger and not see or hear messages or ringing for a while. From the other end of the line it might look like ignoring, but it isn't; it's inattention to where my phone is at the moment. Mine doesn't break, but then there's probably a whole bunch of things that can be covered under that heading.
Since he started being flirty again, he is most likely being truthful, and is interested. If being flirty alternates with ignoring you becomes a habit with him, then that's a bit of a red flag. Under that circumstance, it would probably be better and more satisfying to find another more consistent guy with whom to text.00 ReplyThere could be many reasons why he didn't respond very quickly from life events to a sudden bout of insecurity.
He could even be using a modern text version of the old "dont call for ___ days" rule, except in this version its hours instead of days. The point of it is to induce a feeling of longing or desire.
Or he could simply be flaking out.
My advice is to roll with it for a bit if you really are interested. If he keeps doing so and the time in between texts gets longer then you may have to chalk it up as a loss. But if its him trying to build desire or there's something going on in his life there's no reason not to let it work out ^.^
In short,
while playing the game have fun, but dont let the game play you.00 Reply865 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Maybe he’s just too busy, fell asleep or distracted? Maybe his phone died, or something.
Give it some time, don’t expect a response straight away, expect for the unexpected.
If this continues for the next few days; then there’s an issue and he’s probably found someone else he prefers talking to, is more attracted to or something along those lines.21 Reply- +1 y
I truly, honestly believe, that modern texting and apps, that actually shows you when someone opened your message etc. are a bad thing! People start to real SO many things into everything- things that would never have been questioned before!
First; there may be 10000 reasons for why people don't respond immediately. Work, private matters, they forget about it - or simply just don't feel like texting all the time. The latter would be me for once! I hate texting and if it is not important and/or in relations to my working day or what I am doing, then I often first reply several days after.
That being said; what flirting goes. Sometimes people simply read different things into encounters, flirts and so on.00 Reply - +1 y
Dont be so needy if he doesn't reply for a couple hours then when he does if he doesn't apologise and give a reason dont reply to him for a bit. what girls dont realise is when guys are together we find it disrespectful to be talking to girls instead of contributing to the group. Bros b4 hoes. Mabye he's otherwise occupied in which case just wait it out and see what happens just dont send more messages. Guys r used to being the needy ones so if a girl is needy there's usually something wrong with her
00 Reply - +1 y
It could be so many things all people are confusing try reading back over your conversation to see if you can pinpoint anything leading to an answer but based on what I heard it could be maybe he's trying to think things through, maybe (hopefully not) he just decided he didn't want a relationship with you but hope for the best if he really likes you he'll respond if not you're just better than him so don't worry about it too much and be sure to not act desperate that way he knows you don't need him, but he knows that you care sorry for such a long writing
00 Reply - +1 y
I get that a lot on the internet. It bothers me too. I would have a good connection with someone on the other side of the screen for a day, two. Then, they just drop dead. Hence, I don't get my hopes up anymore. I don't get my hopes of meeting someone online who is genuienly interested in me.
What I want is a stable "relationship" with someone. It doesn't have to be flirty; I want to be able to message someone and be fairly certain that they will respond. I highly value long-term communication, getting to know the person on the other side.
My Private Messaging inbox is always open.00 Reply - +1 y
I would say maybe letting him come to you is the best option right now. Sending him texts like "ignoring me huh" is kind of a red flag to him that you are emotionally needy/clingy. It might scare him if he is not ready to take on that kind of responsibility. You might want to think about trying to occupy your time with something else so you don't obsessively text him. In this case I think less is more.
31 Reply So remember that next time. Be patient and don’t jump to conclusions so fast
23 Reply- +1 y
What if he’s lying
- +1 y
And why does he flirt when he doesn’t like me. I would never flirt with someone I’m not attracted to
314 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. A lot of people don't text back after 9pm. The phone broke is a classic excuse. Maybe occasionally people's phone do break but it sounds odd. I'm notorious for having my phone go dead without realizing it.
Just let it go and don't text for awhile and see if he shows some interest. The part where you said are you ignoring me could be a red flag to a guy especially if you just met. He might think you attach too fast.00 Reply- +1 y
Do you know this person IN person? Do you know their work schedule? What happens at night is during most people's "free" time. How long have you known this person? If this is just an online connection and it's new, stop being so despearate and demanding! If he contacts you, he contact you. If he doesn't, he's busy. Everyone has a life. Be patient. If it takes too many days. Move along to someone new.
00 Reply - +1 y
1) he could be actually busy
2) people advice him to not be too clingy
3) he is chatting to other women
4) he lost interest
Never assume the guy likes you and he wants commitment. You have to ask where you and him stand. If he gives you a response you don't like, you give him some time to change and leave. Life is too short to wait around.00 Reply 1.2K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Patience is important. I'm not sure how he feels about you but it seems like at this point in the game it's surface level so fishing. I'd leave a detailed final message with basically your feelings about wanting to follow up then wait it out and see what happens that's what I would do thanks for the follow by the way
01 Reply- +1 y
Women play mind games every single day, all day long, on everyone all the time, and then they act completely shocked and appalled when some guy they like plays a mind game on them.
Here's a rule of thumb ladies: If you ever get the feeling that life is unfair or that you're being treated unjustly, it's a safe bet that someone is giving you a taste of your own medicine.00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
I’ve had a guy recently do the same thing with me (except I’m not into him). I think they’re just horny. If they speak to you more at night time, it means they’re into one thing. sex. If he makes an effort to message you in the day then he’s probably more interested in you as a person. I’d give it a few days and see what comes of it, but if it becomes regular behaviour then I’d let it go.
20 Reply 343 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. he's talking to other girls. All men do until theyve decided to make you the only one. You are just not top runner.
Besides that fact, he got bored with the convo.
Nothing more to say. Ill end convos too and not reply after a while if im bored. Then once i get a text like that ignore it too because it starts feeling smothering.00 Reply- +1 y
You're overthinking it. Be patient, if he likes you, then he won't stop liking you in-between one message and the next. If he doesn't like you, then that will become clear one way or another soon enough. Sometimes I ignore texts from my own family and best friends, just coz I'm busy, or not in the right headspace to invest in carrying on a text chain. So I get back to people whenever I feel I can give them my actual attention. Just... chill. lol
00 Reply 1.2K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. The guy has work. You really expect him to reply immediately all the time?
A guy has errands, needs to eat, and relax a little after work. Not to mention maybe he's out with his friends, I think you just need to chill.31 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)+1 y
Maybe he was interested in meeting you, hoping you'd have sex with him.
When a guy says: "message me tomorrow or something", I wish he'd be polite and say please. Otherwise it just sounds like he's telling us rather than asking.
Pesky phones, when they break! lol00 Reply I see your request and also know that feeling.
But is maybe not what you see.
Sometimes Men are Overwhelmed with the situation and need the silence of no conversation till they realice the problem they made with no reaction of a request. Be patient.
If he don't talk to you after some days, forget him and don't answer of any new requests of him.00 ReplyI think he has more women and is cheating on you.
You may test him by keeping mum for few days, DO NOT reply him even if he does hell lot of messages to you
If he comes to you and talks f2f, tell him how you feel when he does the same
then I can assure you that he's into you
You can dump him00 Reply- +1 y
Maybe he's only flirting with you and does not expect or want anything more; maybe he does want more but doesn't want to be rushed. The best thing is to observe him and not send volumes of texts, etc, his way, giving him time to respond and reveal his real intent.
00 Reply 1.1K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Simple
10 Reply- +1 y
Its not about ignoring. Basically sometimes it good to put yourself one step backward to know what other person is thinking about you. I means to say that maybe he is thinking that if you are also interested in him or not. if his phone broke down, then he would not be able to see your messages or story (if you are using those apps which only exist for mobile devices). If its about work, then i myself don't even answer the call which i receive from my parents.
00 Reply - +1 y
I never say anything like what you said. "Ignoring me i see" thats just weird. There's a possibility he's not interested. Let it go and move on.
This is an extremely casual conversation. You're clearly getting your feelings too involved which is a mistake a lot of girls do. he's not as Inretested in you as you are him. But I guarantee you, that text creeped him out asking if he was ignoring you. Like you just don't say that stuff right off rip lol. That's a big no no. Go with the flow.04 Reply- +1 y
I know I don’t know why I did that. I just deleted it after, before he saw it. Now when he opens my snap he’ll see I deleted something.
- +1 y
Oh okay. That's better that he can see you deleted it than knowing what you said. He'll be back. They always come back.
- +1 y
I know I just need to stop overthinking. He just seemed so interested it’s so confusing. I’ve never had any luck with guys and he seems different compared to the ones I spoke to
- +1 y
Well I'm usually very savvy at getting guys wrapped around my finger quick. Just quit getting your feelings involved so much. Go with the flow. Let them come to you. You have all the power.
2.3K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. It's too early in the relationship to know what is going on. Sometimes a guy will have an interest in a girl, and let her know, but on second thought, the next day, will realize that it's not a good fit. But again, it's too soon to say here.
00 Reply- +1 y
He probably forgot. Don't sweat it too much, wait it out another day.
If he reads again without responding, you can ask if he still wants to talk or not.10 Reply 758 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Dont over think it a read doesn't automatically mean he dont like you anymore
Just be patient
And I dont suggest that double texting
Itll make you look like you're clingy10 Reply- +1 y
He Could Just Be Busy, But, If He Doesn't Reply By Tomorrow, It's Okay To Just Move On, You'll Find Someone Else, And You Didn't Spend Too Much Time, Some Men And Women Are Like That,
02 Reply- +1 y
It really seemed like he liked me the way he was talking to me yesterday u can’t just loose interest overnight also throughout the day he was responding back so it’s just confusing
- +1 y
Well, Some People Are Mean And Pretend To Have Interest Or Even Love For Months, You Are Lucky You Didn't Have To Deal With That, But, It's Only Been A Day, He Could Still Have Interest, He Could Just Be Busy, It's Alright, Chin Up!
- +1 y
He could be busy or he lost interest. He also could've been talking to another girl and she was more "forward" he could've been just after sex. Hopefully he had a hard day and work and just went to sleep. Good luck.
03 Reply- +1 y
Yeah I mean I know he had work since 8 am don’t know when he finished
- +1 y
But the thing is after he ignored he watched my stories I posted
- +1 y
Guys are flakey like that sometimes, I'd just give him a day or so. I wouldn't think about it to much or get attached so quickly stuff like this happens all the time and it stresses you out. Talk to some other guys if he doesn't respond f him.
- +1 y
Look, you're either 14 or a butters unit. If you're 14 go do what 14 year olds do like sniff ket, listen to UK garage and their math homework. If you're a butters unit, then he's practicing on you
00 Reply Because they’re flakey, and you’re probably one of the many women he’s in touch with. That’s just how it works.
If someone is truly interested in you, they will remain consistent.00 Reply632 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. In the early stages of dating this happens. I've had it as well... it's uncomfortable but as long as you're not dedicated to each other (he could be dating several girls) this just happens :-(
00 ReplyIt's one of two things classic I'm in over my head she's too good for me and what the hell. Or he's truly one of those guys that every time he gets a girlfriend he puts them on a pedestal or something he sucks it all up and gets nervous and runs away from it
00 Reply- +1 y
I have sadly met an amazing match during one of the worst times of my life. Things flowed nicely, she was great! But I had been laid off recently, my car was broke down, and I was staying with my parents again. The next day when I considered calling I decided to wait until I got my stuff right before I would call and then I forgot until now. Just saying it could be anything.
00 Reply You're overthinking, some people just don't reply sometimes ( I know I don't 🤣🤣). But I always get back to the person if I like him. So give it some time for now. People get busy sometimes ir maybe he's just an idiot testing you
00 Reply- +1 y
It's only been an hour? He could have dozed off, working his job, had his phone run down its' battery. Give it a while and then talk to him - no messages - talk to him and discuss it.
01 Reply- +1 y
Think his sleeping now. He hadn’t been on any social media and still haven’t opened my snap
Take it easy. Slow down. Dont read to much onto it. Sometimes people get busy, are away from their phone, fall asleep, or just want to wait till they have time to respond.
14 Reply- +1 y
It’s just that I really like him and I’ve always had bad luck with guys I really like. This guy is older, mature and clever his easy to chat to this is why I just really like him
- +1 y
It’s just he live 4 hours from me so it’s long distant
- +1 y
And loool
- +1 y
You're a Needy/Clingy one aren't you? An hour goes by and you got all worried and post tnis question on GaG. IfvI was this guy I'd run...
00 Reply 319 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Relax and be yourself. Even horny 20-something y. o. guys have other things to do besides messaging a hot girl all day.
More wil be revealed in a few hours or days, and if nothing comes of this, you probably won't even think about it in a month.00 Reply- +1 y
He might be tired after a week of work, he might have had obligations to friends or family
its only 1 day.10 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
Well it sounds like he was horny ! But once he had your attention he figured out later he didn’t liked you as much now that he is not horny. So probably might look for you when he is feeling horny not truly interested
20 Reply Usually most of us guys do not know wether you like us or not so he might think he is coming on too strong or something.
Just tell him what you want to do with him he would be more than happy to do what ever you want to do with him.00 ReplyIt may be he's busy or scared, It may even go as far as he's been hurt before and as I said is scared to open back up to someone but you'll never really know unless you ask. Ask him what's wrong or if he's okay. Maybe that'll help.
00 Reply- +1 y
Dw girl. He’s into you. At least when he’s horny he is.
00 Reply - +1 y
Why nice guys finish last... has the same answer to your question...
00 Reply - +1 y
Because you want a relationship and he wants to just have sex and not be in a relationship so he can have a stable life while he's young.
00 Reply - +1 y
You're taking a few hours of silence as a much bigger deal than it is. The worst thing a woman can do in the beginning is to come across as needy. He'll reply in his own time, just relax and breathe.
00 Reply - +1 y
Wow girl cool it. Breathe. Breathe. He could be busy with other things don't sweat it, it will be fine.
06 Reply- +1 y
So doesn’t he even like me
- +1 y
He probably does but if you keep acting that way, you might drive him away.
- +1 y
True I shouldn’t of said anything
- +1 y
I just want it to work had so much bad luck I know I’m overreacting 🤧
- +1 y
It's cool babe, we are all human. I want to blurt it out to the world when an attractive woman talks with me and we hit off, but i have to learn to stay cool or she would think Im a nut. Lol😜😎
- +1 y
Babe!! Be cool, you are good. We got you sister. 😎
389 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. I do it so she doesn't think im a stalker or a creep. Mostly its jitters if im crushing real hard.
00 ReplyLook this is the fouth question about this your either a troll or really bad at listening.
01 Reply- +1 y
Sometimes people just don't have the energy to reply right away
00 Reply 8.8K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Could be flaky, have gotten cold feet or is talking to multiple girls.
00 Reply- +1 y
i you want a conversation then call him. texting is for busy people and unimportant messages
00 Reply Maybe he didn't intend to flake on you at first and now feels guilty. Let him go, unless he gets wise fast I think he is gone.
00 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)+1 y
He has nothing to say that say or he was busy or he want thinking about you that day. Talking to someone else. Simply didn’t want to talk to you. Didn’t have anything productive to say so he doesn’t say anything
00 Reply - +1 y
Because he doesn't want to come off as needy, or clingy and often times simply wants to test your level of interest...
I do this shit all the time actually, although sometimes I'm just busy 😏00 Reply He may be working or busy with some project, sometimes I'm busy myself and say to myself "alright ill reply as soon as possible" and then proceed to ferget about, sometimes for days
00 Reply- +1 y
One reply "phone broke" unclear after that phone replaced?
Some people like the flirt but won't go past. Ball in his court now.
Don't count chickens before they hatch. And don't add to your own expectations.00 Reply - Show More (60)
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