What does it mean when a man doesn't have the Protector Instinct (SERIOUS)?

Men are protectors. And I'm not talking about our physical strength or the gender roles we have had throughout history. I mean, men have an instinct to be the hero.
What does it mean when a man doesnt have the Protector Instinct (SERIOUS)?
Men like to be their woman's knight in shining armor, whether it's because he saved her from some creep at the store, or because he opened one of those pesky jars for her.

When I say this, I do NOT mean a man wants a woman who needs his help basically all the time. I mean that men like to do things like killing bugs, lifting and moving heavy things, or filling up her car's tank to show he can be her hero in some way.

But what about men who DON'T have the "Protector Instinct?" So many articles say that men need to be needed to be happy in a relationship. But pretty much anyone who's seen many of my questions know I'm basically an Amazon Chaser. In case you don't know what that means, the video below best explains it.
I genuinely don't feel a need to be needed. That doesn't mean I won't ever help a woman with something when she need it. It just means I get no satisfaction out of it. I don't have the Protector Instinct, and my tastes in women really reflect that.

To me, a girl kicking a creep's ass or killing her own bugs/snakes/mice/etc, and not needing my help--THAT is the real aphrodisiac. Dainty, delicate, weak? That ain't it, chief!

I don't have the Protector Instinct. What does that say about a man, when he doesn't feel a need to be needed by his partner? What do you think it means when a man doesn't get any satisfaction out of being his girl's hero?

And in more extreme cases, what if he actually LIKES that she's a badass who doesn't need him?
+1 y
I'm asking because most of society doesn't seem to mind if a woman doesn't want kids. But no one says anything about men not feeling a need to be a hero.

Women nurture, men protect. Women want to have a family, men want to be needed. If a woman doesn't want kids, society just accepts that no problem. But no one says anything about men who don't want to be a knight in shining armor.

So I'm genuinely curious as to what the people have to say.
What does it mean when a man doesn't have the Protector Instinct (SERIOUS)?
12 Opinion