He hasn’t texted me all day?

So, I’ve been dating/talking to this guy pretty seriously for about two months. He lives a couple hours away, so we’ve only met up for in-person dates twice, but have had several video dates & usually text every day and talk on the phone pretty often. He talks about future things & has given me every reason to think he’s interested in a serious relationship.

He’s moving in a couple months, but we’ve planned on doing long-distance. I mean, I could tell he’d put a LOT of serious thought in iT. .

From all our interactions/conversations, I truly believe we feel about each other. Anyways, we spent the day together on Sunday & it was a great day... talked about future dates too. I mean, tend to be pessimistic, but I still can’t think of anything that went wrong.
Like, everything was GREAT Sunday night...

But Monday, his texts became less frequent and shorter... it was just a different vibe. Wednesday night, I casually asked if everything was okay- I mentioned that he had been unusually quiet this week and wondered if I was misinterpreting a weird vibe... He said that he just has a lot going on-- that he wasn’t trying to distant himself, but had a lot on his plate and had a lot to figure out (for conext: he is working on renovating his house to sell very quickly, getting ready to move, and has a lot of work things going on too) That conversation ended fine... But I haven’t heard from him in a full day. He typically texts first... but... nothing today.

Since he let me know that he’s stressed/overwhelmingly busy, I didn't reach out today.
Is it too soon for me to think he’s losing interest?

I want to be positive, but I‘ve been abruptly ghosted before, so I know it happens. This has been the healthiest relationship I’ve been in, so I don't even know how to handle it.

Anyways, I’m just asking for some non-paranoid perspective.
Is this normal? Should I be concerned? Could he have lost interest overnight? I’m so sick of wasting my time 😣
Anyways, thanks in advance!
He hasn’t texted me all day?
5 Opinion