Very confused: was he ever interested and changed his mind, or he never was? Ideas about this behavior?

Episode 1: We match on bumble and chat briefly. He says he’d like to continue chatting over a drink and I say that’d be cool. He doesn’t write anymore, the weekend I propose to go for a coffee, he unmatches me.
Episode 2: I meet him at a friend’s place, turns out we have several mutual friends. Slight embarrassment. He says “ I hope there will still be an occasion to go for a drink because we had had a good conversation”. I say I’d like to. We exchange numbers. He never writes to ask me to go out.
Episode 3: we see each other again at the same friend’s a couple months later. I tease him about him still owing me that drink. That night after the dinner he writes me a message saying he was happy to see me in person and that he hopes to see me again soon. I propose to try to go to a restaurant I like, he says he’d love to go. A few days later I write to ask when he’d be free for that and he never replies.
Episode 4: I see him again at friends a couple weeks later. He says in a rather rude way he didn’t reply because he doesn’t like doing plans in advance, but that he is free for a drink the following weeks and to just write to him when I’m free. I write to him to tell him I’m free a week later. We agree to see each other that night after work. That evening, he writes he’s still at work and that’s the last message he ever wrote- never replied to anything after that. I reply saying I’m sorry he has to work so much - no reply. Than about 3 weeks later I ask if he’s up for jogging (we’re both sporty) and he doesn’t reply.
Episode 5: our mutual friends aren’t organizing as many things as before, I don’t see him for several months. One day I see him on bumble and bumble tells me he “liked” me. I match him and jokingly tease him about having disappeared. He unmatches me - no reply. I see him at mutual friends a week later, he slightly giggles when greeting me, than doesn’t talk to me the whole evening. Afterwards I write to say nice to have seen him - no reply.
Very confused: was he ever interested and changed his mind, or he never was? Ideas about this behavior?
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