Why did he physically compare me to his exes when upset?


We were really upset with each other. We had an argument about me being super excited to see him. I expressed how people used to ask for my positive energy to see them like I do with my boyfriend, and how I don't get why he didn't somewhat appreciate my excitement for him. Anyhow he got upset about that (even though he knows that I don't have the same experience with him and that he is my most serious relationship since I was sa). But like I was saying, he was so upset about it that he physically compared mt to his exes to bring me down. I have never dine anything like that to him, and was only saying how I don't understand what he wants from me. I was so overjoyed to see him, and I mean to the next level degree. I was finally giving a man what all exes asked from me (because I was scared to be open like that), and my boyfriend completely shut me down and called me annoying for being excited to see him. I just really didn't get it. I am not upset by the fact he had better looking exes. I already know I don't look like insta models, or look anything like "societies expectations". I still have guys turning their heads when I walk past to look at my face, and guys hitting me up. I just have to accept how I look, and many men do call me beautiful (without referring to just my body). But the point is, I don't get why he did that? He's my ex now because clearly he didn't know how to fix the situation, so he just walked away. So many men have been treating me so well since the breakup, and I am actually able to have a conversation with a guy without worrying what my boyfriend would think. He didn't mind that I spoke to guys, but he also didn't have a positive attitude when I spoke with other guys (school colleagues etc). Was he just truly hurt by what IU said so he tried to bring me down? I want to understand his reasoning behind it before I forever forget about him. Perhaps I am hoping he's not just a jerk so I can think a positive to him. So men, why did he do this?

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I also forgot to mention that he said, "go be a whore, that's what you're best at", and then called me useless. This is not the first time he used degrading words and sentences like this to me, but it was different this time
Why did he physically compare me to his exes when upset?
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