Why do I feel uncomfortable taking to this guy?

I have been conversing with this guy online and all he really does is just ask me questions about myself and sometimes I’ll do the same to him…the thing is is that I’m not really feeling any sort of attraction towards him and i know he’s interested in me and even if I tell him I’m not looking for a relationship right now he continues talking to me. He hasn’t made what he wants clear to me so I don’t know about that but he has implied many times that he wants a relationship. I’m not saying he’s a bad guy or anything it’s just that I’m just not into him like that and honestly I’m just not in that “looking for a partner” energy. And i just feel uncomfortable now. Is this normal? Should I just stop talking to him? Because I’ve already made it clear that i don’t want anything so I don't know.
1 y
And it’s starting to feel like he’s interviewing me..
Why do I feel uncomfortable taking to this guy?
4 Opinion