Guys: Do you strategically plan how to approach a woman you're interested in if you find her a bit intimidating or out of your league?

Or do you just not bother approaching her at all?

Guys: Do you strategically plan how to approach a woman youre interested in if you find her a bit intimidating or out of your league?
I plan and then make my move. It may take me a while, though.
I plan and then make my move. It doesn't take me that long to make my move.
I think about it for a few minutes and then approach.
I don't plan, I just act.
I don't think I could approach a woman who I perceive to be out of my league who intimidates me in some way.
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1 y
The poll seems very polarizing: 50% would never approach, 50% approach without thinking about it at all.
Guys: Do you strategically plan how to approach a woman you're interested in if you find her a bit intimidating or out of your league?
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