Coworker obsessed with my butt?

So there’s this coworker I’ve known for a few months. He flirts with me often but nothing to extreme, I just giggle it off. He talks about my butt a lot and the jeans I wear. I didn’t mind because he was just complimenting me but now it’s getting worse. He keeps passing by me every minute to look at it while I’m helping customers and even told me he wanted to grab it so bad and he finds it hard to control himself. Just the other day he kept walking pass me non stop looking at my butt. I was walking in front of him and almost bumped into him and he said I did it on purpose so he could touch my butt. But I really wasn’t. A bunch of things I do like wear my jeans, the way I walk, etc he says I’m doing it on purpose to get a kick out of it. I tell him it’s not but he believes It’s getting to where he might actually grab my butt and I won’t know what to do. He helps me a lot at work but this is getting a little uncomfortable. What do I do?

Last time he flirted with me I ended up being the one in trouble.

Coworker obsessed with my butt?
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