I secretely want my boyfriend to hurt me?

I want it to happen so i have a reason to leave him

He always promises to change and to be better boyfriend when we fight and when say i have no problem breaking up, he says he wants to carry on and be with me because he "values me".

When he says he wants space and i give it to him, he complains. Next day i can act distanxe and asks whats wrong i say "well you want space, no?" He laughs it and leans in saying "come on give me a kiss"

He texts me annoyed why i dont asnwer him. But when he online he can totally ignore my messages for a whole day, but how dare i reply 5 mins later🙄

He once compared me being on my period as equal as him when he is high on drugs, because i said he needs to stop taking that shit because it makes him psycho.

He acts nice and i have no reason to leave him, but if he hurts me ill have a reason.

What do you guys things?

I secretely want my boyfriend to hurt me?
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