I’m having trouble from 7 months I “hangout with one guy“ this question is mainly to guys we are neighbors of course, first we just were hangingout?


now it’s different situations (touching my hands. my arm. shoulder or my lower back) his hugging was is different he’s do it in public places he flirts teasing me but for another day he’s indifferent acts distant towards me n it repeats suddenly from last 3 weeks one day he can be affectionate sweet he will act like there’s something more between us but for next day he is just distant no physical contact. I’m confused because he says once that “ we were too long friends “ or “ we are friends” but as he said that he wants to be in relationship with girl and not with man, we are having great moments I reciprocate his touch, I hug him , ext day he became much more attentive affectionate touchy feely he flirted with me teased me in funny way and I see different attitude when he gets drunk or when he’s sober and that’s why im confused if he’s playing with me and my emotions, or he just likes me like a friend or more than friend. 3 days ago I tried to test the waters I flirted with other guy around him and this time he was really quiet around this guy no hi no waving hands to greet him… usually when I said hi to this guy he was doing the same but now he just ignores him he was like cold quiet when I flirted with other man, so I don’t know if he felt jealous or I just made him feel uncomfortable When he’s drunk he acts completely different once he was really drunk asked me to touch his nipples he started peacocking around me he was misbehaving kinda in public place but of course under control and he acts differently being sober he’ll be caring helpful talkative he checks up on me but his touch is different so that’s why I’m here to ask for help to figure it out because I don’t wanna lose my time my energy on someone who only likes to play games. I’m over 30’s he is kinda in his 20’s (25) I just wanna understand if he likes me as friend or he wants to be more than friends. Because yes I’m getting from him mixed signals

I’m having trouble from 7 months I “hangout with one guy“ this question is mainly to guys we are neighbors of course, first we just were hangingout?
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