Why would someone hide a mental breakdown from someone they are in a relationship with?


Have been a bit on and off with a guy. He was uber rude about a month ago and hung up in my face.

I sensed something mental was going on.

When I would ask if he was fine and ask are you sure you aren't having an emotional or mental issue because if not, I can only conclude that you are a rude and disrespectful person.

He would shut down the convo but not rudely.

He finally admitted (which I already knew) that he had a mental breakdown and pushed me away.

Before he was uber rude to me, I knew he was flipping because he kept changing his whatsapp photo to horses, cats and lions and I said "this guy is having a nervous breakdown".

Why resort to rudely pushing someone away instead of just saying I'm not feeling well?

Why would someone hide a mental breakdown from someone they are in a relationship with?
Why would someone hide a mental breakdown from someone they are in a relationship with?
17 Opinion