Guys, What does he mean when he says this?

What does it mean when he says this … mind you I’m 27 he’s 26.
his last girl he loved was in highschool and he never got closure from her.
here’s the convo:

him: “I've just really wanted to have sex for a long time”

Me: “That’s surprising I mean I knew you’ve had feelings there”

Him : “what do you mean?”

Me: “When you kept staring me and all that idk”

Him: “you knew what I was thinking come on”

Me: “Just that though, When I first met you you I thought you were good looking too it’s okay, No shame, Like yeah your eye looks wonky ( lazy eye ) but tbh I love it so much”

Him: “Thanks I thought you were pretty and had a great body but you were being so nice to me I was conflicted, I didn't want to hurt you or bring you into my bullshit. ( alcholism, broken family life, work ) Thank you for being you.”

Guys, What does he mean when he says this?
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