What does it mean when he says this … mind you I’m 27 he’s 26.
his last girl he loved was in highschool and he never got closure from her.
here’s the convo:
him: “I've just really wanted to have sex for a long time”
Me: “That’s surprising I mean I knew you’ve had feelings there”
Him : “what do you mean?”
Me: “When you kept staring me and all that idk”
Him: “you knew what I was thinking come on”
Me: “Just that though, When I first met you you I thought you were good looking too it’s okay, No shame, Like yeah your eye looks wonky ( lazy eye ) but tbh I love it so much”
Him: “Thanks I thought you were pretty and had a great body but you were being so nice to me I was conflicted, I didn't want to hurt you or bring you into my bullshit. ( alcholism, broken family life, work ) Thank you for being you.”
What Guys Said
Come on. You're talking to a healthy guy who's sexually inclined as you are.
Fact: he wants sex. Very much.
Favt: you find him attractive too.
It's all physical.
Does he have feelings. I think he does. Will it last? Don't know. He may leave after sex. Sex changes emotions.
Conclusion: you either save for marriage, otherwise risk having sex with him and then lose him. But who knows? You may "live happily ever after" with him. There are many such couples here too.
PS: life's a gamble. We win some, we lose some. It's whether we win first and be happy, or lose first and have nothing left.
Seems pretty self explanatory.
does it sound more like he just wants sex or actually likes me
With wanting a connection and feeling conflicted and sometimes ghosts me
Is he needing time. He admits also he doesn’t wanna use me or make me feel used that’s the last thing he wants it’s been a long time for him.
Good lord could you make this any more complicated?
So, he is 26 and you are worried he is still hung up on his girlfriend from high school?